Chapter 10

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This boi a fucking model


I miss Phil. He's at school suffering and I'm suffering even more every minute that goes by. I'm not sure what he's doing or what's going on when I'm not there. I pull out my computer, opening it pulling up Tumblr dms.

Pasteldanny: Hey, is school almost over?

Philion: in about 10 mins x

Pasteldanny: I miss you...I want you hear after school.

Philion: of course. I'll be there. And people are starting to get fishy between me.

Pasteldanny: what do you mean?

Oh no.

Philion: people are starting to think that I'm dating and that I'm "gay as fuck".

Pasteldanny: o man. And Ik that's what they said but o really don't like swearing. Sorry I'm a baby.

Philion: yes I'm sorry and you are not a baby. You are my little pastel baby :*

I start to blush super hard. I can hear the heart monitor start going faster as I read the message over and over. I smile, knowing Phil can't see it.

Pasteldanny: I love you so much Phil. Please know that.

Philion: I love you too Danny. I'll see you after school.

Pasteldanny: ok b.

Philion: :3

I close my laptop. I start to reel the thoughts of people knowing about Phil and I. I start thinking into the deep and bad things about the topic. What my dad will think? What others will think? People not agreeing with it. And us getting bullied.

My thoughts are turned down by me slowly falling asleep. I miss Phil, I want him in my arms. I want him holding me to fall asleep. I start to sob quietly, my anxiety and depression waving over me like storm clouds. "PST." I hear, I look up, seeing a figure in my window. "H-hello?" I stutter, my tears still falling. "Dan?" My eyes finally adjust to the situation. "Phil!" I whisper yell, running over to him and hugging him. "I miss you so much." I said in his chest. "I miss you too." He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. I finally pulled away from hugging, sniffling. "You got tears on my shirt." Phil chuckles. I laugh too, motioning Phil to sit on my bed with me. Once he sits down, his lips instantly connect with mine. Our tongues intertwine as one of our hands caress over each other's neck. I let off a soft moan as Phil's tongue enters my mouth. "P-Phil." I stutter. "Hm." "We c-can't." "You sure? This is the second time now-." I cut Phil off. "I know, but it's late and I'm just not ready." He nods, understanding. "Can you just stay here over night please?" "Of course, for my little bean." He rubs my hair, making it messy. "Stop." I smile. We both lay down in the bed, and Phil wraps his arms around my torso, pulling me in closer to him. I smile and slowly, fall asleep. In my boyfriends arms.

I love this chapter


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