Chapter 7

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Look at those cuties. From Louise's story on insta



My dad is gonna kill me. Literally. That thought kept me up that night, sitting in Phil's bed while he showered. I didn't go home, we didn't even leave the house at all. I need to go home, but I'll never come out of it.

I start sobbing quietly with my head in my knees. I miss my mum, I miss the good days. I heard the tap stop and the door open to the bathroom. "Dan?" I hear. I don't answer, I couldn't let him see me like this. "Dan, you alright?" He asks again. This time he opens the door, seeing me with my head in my knees. "What's making you sad babe?" Phil asks. "I miss my mum." I reply. "And if I go back, my dad will never let me leave." I cry.

He hugs me tightly for about six seconds. "Don't worry, I'm here." He smiles. I smile back. I quickly roll my sleeve down passed the palm of my hand, making sure Phil doesn't see my newest marks. "Dan, I saw what you did." He remarks. Damn.. "What do you mean?" I act innocent. "Um, your sleeve." He says. I sigh, showing him my wrist. "Hey, don't cry. I'm here remember. Why did you do this?" He asks softly. Shiiit... "I-I can't say." I stutter. "Dan, it's okay to tell me." Phil mumbles to me. I can't. I know he's my boyfriend but, I still can't say anything. Um.. make an excuse. "Hey, um, maybe we can go to my house so I can pack some things and bring them here?" I changed the subject. "Uh yeah sure. You think it'll be okay?" Phil says. He bought it. "Yeah, it's only six." I retorted.

"Just one thing," "Yeah?" "Can you come in with me?" I hesitate. He nods with a smile. I love his smile. He's not as bad as Brendon and Patrick say he is. Melanie has said that he was just an ass. He's not, and I'm not telling them anything yet. We sit in the car, as Phil starts the engine, I buckle my belt.

My anxiety starts to kick in, causing my foot to bounce up and down at a fast pace. Then, I start twirling my thumbs. "Dan, are you sure you want to do this?" Phil asks out of no where. I nod slowly, swallowing. We pull up to the flat, Phil killing the engine and turning it off. "My mums car is here." I say quietly. "What's that mean?" Phil replies. "Meaning, my dad is here too..probably." I trail off. "Wait here, go around the back in the window, my room is there and I'll let you in. Stay in there unless you hear something. Okay?" I say. He nods and walks to the back.

I open the door, instantly my mums eyes hit mine. "Oh my goodness, Daniel!" She yells relieved. She runs over and hugs me, "I thought you were gone." She whispers. I hug her back, hot tears starting to fall down both of our faces. "Oh Jesus Christ, this is ridiculous. Where have you been?!" My father yells, pointing his finger at me. "At a friends house, and I'm packing somethings to stay there." I say sternly. "I'm sorry mum, but I'll try and find you somewhere to go with me." I whisper to her. I motion her to come with me to my room. She follows.

"So, Daniel..." "Mum, just call me Dan please." I say, a little annoyed. She nods. "So, Dan, why are you moving and can you tell me the story?" She asks calmly. I sigh, "I met someone and I really like them. Turns out they liked me too so we started hanging out and I slept at his house last night. And don't worry..nothing happened, but now that this abuse has gotten worse I need to move out. And so do you." I kept going on about where I was going and who I was dating. "Can I meet this, Phil?" She asks. I nod, walking toward my window. I open it, signaling Phil to come in. "Hi, I'm Phil." He says, shaking my mums hand. She hugs him tightly, "Thank you for watching over him and giving him the love he deserves." She says, starting to cry. 

A few minutes pass and we all start to hear drunk burps in the Hall, and I know he's coming to my room. He bursts in and drops his empty bottle on the carpet, not breaking. "What the hell is going on here?!" He yells. "I can explain, call down." My mum says. "No, I'm not gonna fucking calm down!" He cusses, I cringe and the horrible wording. "Look what you are doing to our poor son!" My mum yells at him, causing him to pick up his bottle and smash it on her head. "Mum!" I scream, scraping the glass away from her head and out her hair. "Phil, hold her please or put her somewhere comfortable." I say sternly. "And who is this?!" My father yells again, stumbling toward Phil. "Don't you even dare touch him!" I yell sternly, standing in front of my dad, almost blocking him from Phil. "Get out of my way!" He says, pushing me into my dresser, causing me to be knocked out... Black.

Phil POV

When I saw Dan knocked out from the impact, my whole body took over and took a hard fist punch to his fathers face. He falls to the floor. Dans mum crawls over to Dan, trying to wake him up. "Dan! Daniel!" She yells. "Shut up!!" He yells so loud, the windows shake. He gets back up, stomping toward Dan and his mum. I quickly get in front of him and push I'm into a table in Dans room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, calling 999. (I had to look up London's emergency number but just let me know if something was wrong👌🏼) I motion his mom to carry him outside and wait for police.


I finally finished calling the police, starting to hear sirens in the distance. "Oh, you are in big trouble boy!" The father yells, swooping a side punch in my gut. I quickly grab his arm, before he could do anything. I twisted it over his head and behind his back, pushing him to the ground. The sirens got closer and closer until they finally arrived. They came inside the home and took his father away. Then we walked outside, when I walked out, I saw saw Dan in a gurney, being rolled into the ambulance.

I run up to it, asking the aid to ride with. "Please, his mom and I are the only ones left." I pleaded. She finally nodded and let me and his mom in. Closing the doors and driving away from his home. He only wanted to go and grab somethings to run away. Not any of this.....

holy shit. I'm sorry if that was too much butttt yeahhh um
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