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It was last period now, the day had been practically flying by.

"Class, welcome the new kids Izac, Izabela, and Izaiah. Izac you can take a seat over with Mr. Dempsey, Izabela over with Mr.Reed and Atkins, and Izaiah with Mr.De La Cruz. You seven will be a lab group." Mr.Johansten said pointing the kids in the direction of their seats.

"I'm Zach, welcome to Liberty." A tall boy said sticking his hand out to each of the triplets.

"Damn Princess can't get enough of me?" Monty asked looking across at Izabela.

"Yeah, I missed seeing my brother's artwork." she raised her finger motioning to his eye causing the other guys to laugh.

"Anyway, Zach I'm Izabela, these are my brothers Izac and Izaiah."

"Nice to meet yall. I heard you guys are joining the team."

And there began the baseball talk. Izabela zoned out the rest of the period. The bell rang signaling the end of class.

Everyone stood up grabbing their bags and walking into the hallway. Jeff swung his arm around Izabela's shoulder and leaned down.

"I saw you looking at Scott, you think he's cute don't you?"

"Fuck off Jeffery."

Baseball practice was canceled today so Jeff and Izabela continued walking out to his car. Izac and Izaiah took the other car.

The two continued their journey to the car laughing and shoving each other.

"Jesus dude you parked so far." Izabela said looking at Jeff's car ahead of them.

The two finally reached the car and began driving.

"Can we go to the park?" she asked still looking out the window.


He knew she was still taking her mom's death really hard even if she tried to hide it with her cold exterior and strong demeanor but then again who wouldn't.

She went to the park to clear her head, her mom loved the park and the beach.

They pulled into the parking for the park. Jeff looked over at the car next to him, it looked familiar. She walked up to the swings and sat down swinging slightly.

"Scotty?" she heard Jeff say.

She looked up and saw Scott sitting on a bench across from her.

"Oh hey man."

"What you doing here?"

Scott looked around "Just getting some air, being at school has been super stressful lately."

Looking at Izabela smiling at her he waved. She waved back.

"Hey, Scott."

"Hey, Izabela."

She swung for a while longer thinking about her mom and her dad. She missed them both so much. The boys continued to talk with each other as she looked around taking in the scenery.

A butterfly flew in front of her and landed on her lap. She chuckled lightly.

"Hey,mom." she said smiling down at the butterfly.

"I wish you were here, I wish daddy was here too." She said as she let a tear slip from her eyes.

The butterfly flew away as she stood up from the swing and walked up to where Jeff and Scott were.

"Yeah man, I'm sure we can help each other and figure it out.."

"Figure what out?" she asked leaning on Jeff's car.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now