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Walking into school alone Izabela took notice of the posters for the formal coming up.

How long have thos posters been there?

Why did it take her this long to notice?

Was she going to go?

She was knocked put of thoughts by bodies leaning on either side of her locker.

"Can I help you?" she asked glancing at Monty, then at Bryce

"Well, my brother Monty here doesn't have a date for the formal and you're the hottest girl left without at date."

"What are saying?" she asked looking at the boy.

"You're not going to let a looker like Montgomery De La Cruz go to the formal alone are you Izabela?"

"You want me to go to the dance with Monty?"

"Don't play dumb Izabela."

"I don't even think I'm going to go honestly."

"Come on Izabela, give in a little have some fun." Bryce said coming closer to her as she tried to back up.

She had heard the rumors and stories of things he was accused of and things he did so she was very suspicious.

She remembered Clay telling her to stay away from him.

"Listen Bryce, I need you to back up."

"Why, I know you wanna have fun with us." he said placing a hand in her waist.

She began to feel weird and angry, she didn't allow people to touch her the way he was touching her.

"Can you let me go?"

"No, come back to the clubhouse with us and have fun."

"Bryce let me go."

"Come on Izabela have some fun."

She reached her arm back and connected her fist with his eye.

Monty gave her a look that said 'leave' so she began walking away before Bryce had the chance to process what just happened.

She was walking so fast that she bumped into someone and fell. She stood up and looked behind her to make sure Bryce wasn't behind her.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" she looked up and was met with Scott's wide blue eyes.

He helped her up and looked her over to make sure she's okay.

"Um, Bryce was touching me and I kept telling him to stop and he wouldn't so I punched him." 

"Did he do anything to you?" he asked as he grabbed her arms to look at her again. 

"No, but he kept touching my waist and getting really close to me." she said looking behind her again.

"Hey, look at me he's not going to touch you again. Okay?" 

He hugged her and rubbed her arms. 

"Scotty! My boy." she heard down the hallway. 

Her hands gripped the back to his jacket.

"Yo man, listen I'll catch you later I got some stuff to handle." he replied pulling Izabela with him out the school to his car.

They sat in the car for about 30 minutes in a comfortable silence.

"Um, can I ask you something?" he asked, breaking the silence.

She turned nodding.

"Why did you freak out so bad, um with Bryce?"

"Um- I - uh heard some stuff and he makes me uncomfortable. I only walked away so fast because of the face Monty gave me. I try my best to stay away from him but they came up to me at my locker."

"You're okay though so we should get back."

"Listen, I didn't mean to talk bad about Bryce, I know he's your friend. Thanks for this, I'll catch you around." she said getting out of Scott's car and walking back to the school.


The day had dragged. Izabela kept her distance from everyone which meant she spent the majority of the day in the library, even lunch.

It was time for baseball practice and the boys were all in the locker room.

Jeff, Scott, Izac, and Izaiah all walked out together and sat in the dugout.

Scott couldn't help but let his eyes wander the bleachers around the field.

"She's not coming dude, she said she'll see us at home." Jeff whispered to his friend when he noticed his wandering eyes. 

Scott looked at him with wide eyes.

"I noticed dude. You always look for her no matter where we are or what we're doing. You have this act but she's breaking you, I see it."

"What are you talking about dude, she's just some chick."

"Yeah some chick you care about, you always make sure she's okay and you always look out for her."

"Dude, you're overthinking this. I'm just want to have some fun with her before the guys get her." he said pushing himself off the bench and walking out to the field.

Jeff watched as he walked out, still looking at the bleachers.

"He likes Iz doesn't he?" Izac asked as they made their way on to the field.

Jeff chuckled patting his shoulder and jogging farther. 

"Where's your cheerleader Reed?" Bryce shouted.

"Fuck off Walker."

"Come on Reed don't hide her." 

Scott ignored his comments a little longer.

"Just make sure when you've had your fun you pass her down the line."

Izac had enough and left his spot at 2nd base walking to the pitcher's mound.

Zach stood up from his catcher's position, Monty walked closer making Izaiah walk closer.

"Who the fuck are you to think you can talk about my sister like that?" Izac asked throwing his glove to the ground.

"Hey, hey! we're a team we don't fight guys come on back up." Coach Rick said trying to separate the two.

"She's a tease, she definitely wants to fuck all of us especially Scott and Jeff" 

Izabela came running on the field stepping in between the two boys. She pushed her brother a little bit.


"Why the fuck do you protect everyone Iz? Fuck! This is why they treat you like that." he shouted in her face.

Izaiah now grabbed Izac's arm trying to calm him.

"I'm not protecting this asshole! I'm protecting you asshole! If you want to lose the team and playing a game you love then please be my guest and get suspended and kicked out for fighting a piece of shit waste of space Izac. Do whatever the fuck you want." she shouted shoving him. 

Nobody had noticed Scott arguing with Bryce due to them watching Izac and Izabela argue. Bryce swung his arm starting a fight with Scott. 

Jeff and Zach managed to separate them in time but Bryce now had 2 black eyes and Scott now had new cuts on his face. 

Coach Rick was fuming. "Dugout now, Reed go get yourself cleaned up. I'm sure Miss Arroyo won't mind helping as she is the reason for all of this."

Izabela was going to retaliate but chose otherwise when her eyes met Jeff's.

She looked up at Scott and motioned for him to come with her.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now