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Scott sat on the counter of the teacher's bathroom. Izabela took out the first aid kit and began to clean his face up.

She took a wet cloth and just cleaned the blood off his face. Once she cleaned the blood, she had a better look at the cuts.

There were only three but the bruise on his eye was the worst part.

She took an antibacterial wipe and passed it over all the cuts.

He winced in pain. She pulled away until the stinging went away and continued for the next 5 minutes.

"Maybe, I should get in more fights if you're going to be cleaning me up." he tried to joke which just earned him a glare from her.

She finished putting band-aids on his face. She grabbed his chin to look at his face once more making sure she didn't miss any small ones and that there wasn't one that was still bleeding.

"What the hell was all of that?"

"Bryce doesn't think when he speaks until shit gets too far." he shrugged.

"Why are you still friends with him then?"

"I could lose my spot on the team, I love the game and if being friends with Bryce means I play then I play."

"Well, I'm going back home."

"Why did you come back?"

"Jeff left his house keys and he texted me to bring them."

"hmmm, can we go for a drive to-tonight? Me and um y-you" he hummed as she continued to wipe the blood.

She finished what she was doing and backed from between his legs looking his face over.

"T-thank you."

"I really do make you nervous?"

"N-no of course not."

"When you're not around Bryce and Monty I do." she smirked.

"Shut up." he said grabbing her hand pulling her back to her previous position.

"Admit it, I make you nervous."

She looked up at his blue eyes and him down at her.


"Well then, I'll see you around Reed."

"I-uh, I miss you t-today. You disappeared."

"I just um wasn't up for being around your asshole friends Scott. I gotta go."


 She spun around playing with the car keys in her fingers.

"Thank you again."

She nodded turning again leaving the school for the second time that day.

"Be at the corner at 8:30."

He smiled to himself, he did like her but if he let anyone know he would never hear the end of it.

"Dude why did you punch Bryce?" Monty asked as Scott sat next to him in the dugout.

He shrugged in response.

"You fucking like her don't you?" 

Scott ignored him and kept his gaze straight.

"I don't like her."

"Mhm, you're so shy and awkward around girls you like."

"Fuck off Monty."

"Alright, I hit a nerve." 

Scott glared at him as he walked away. 

"Did Iz go back home?" Izac asked when he saw Scott walking alone.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now