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Gathering his things he left the locker room thinking of any way possible to just get her to attend the game.

Walking with his head down he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone knocking them down.

"Oh sh- I-I'm sorry Izabela." he said extending his hand to help her stand.

She looked at his hand for a couple seconds before reaching up and grabbing it.

The two stood in an awkward silence for a couple seconds before she spoke.

"Thanks, um I'll see you around." she began walking away but he grabbed her wrist pulling her back to where she was previously standing.

"Iz... I uh I miss you and t-the guys need you at this game Friday. Y-you're our lucky charm, the team's lucky charm a-and they need you at the game, I-I need you at the game."

He dropped her hand waiting for a response but all she did was turn and keep walking to the locker room door to meet Jeff and her brothers.

He let his head drop realizing he may have lost the girl he had fallen for so easily just as easily as he did.

Looking over his shoulder at her smiling with Jeff made him miss her corny jokes and small dances she would do when they would go for drives together at night.

She silently watched him drop his head and walk out of Liberty so sad. So, so sad.

She went home and sat on her bed thinking as she had done the last month since everything had happened.

She felt wrong. Even Monty told her to give him another chance.

She finally pulled out her phone hesitantly lingering her thumb over his name.

She threw the phone on the bed frustrated. She didn't know what to do and she wished the one person she was supposed to be able to go to for boy problems and just any problem was still alive.

She prayed and asked for an answer, for a sign on what she should do for a while but nothing ever came so it was up to her to decide what she wanted to do.

She quickly picked up her phone and clicked the name quickly.

"Um, He-hello?"

"Pick me up in 10." she hung up quickly changing and walking down to the corner he used to pick her up all the time at.

"Just drive please don't try to apologize right now." she said getting in the car and shutting the door.

He drove the familiar route to the park and parked his car. She got out before he did and made her way to the grass where they always sat.

"It's not fair you know? It's not fair for you to treat me like I'm a choice and it's not fair that I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what I should do because the one person I could always turn to, my person, my mom she's gone and... and I had to go through this alone because none of the guys would understand..." She had started crying at this point

"it's not fair...it's not fair" she sobbed

He pulled her into his chest and just let her cry.

"I never wanted you to feel like this Iz. I am so so sorry." he caresses her head softly.

"But that's the thing Scotty, you didn't do this. I mean yeah you hurt my feelings making me feel like I was an option, making me feel like there were other girls that could easily sweep you away at any point but this..." she pointed to her face.

"This has been built up since I moved here and you just did something to bring it out." she said wiping her face.

"I'm sorry for taking this all out on you. I'm not saying you didn't hurt my feelings because you did but I took all this built up anger and grief on you and on this situation."

"You are not an option okay?" he placed a hand on her cheek using his thumb to wipe a stray tear.

"You're it. The only girl I have felt like this around. I can't tell you how many times the guys have tried to get me with different girls but I never found interest in them but you. Oh my God you Izabela, you're different. You're it Izabela and I wasn't thinking when I said what I said and I will never treat you like an option again. Okay?"

She leaned further into his touch.

"She may have been your person but you have become mine. Every time I get mad or there's some bullshit because of the team you're the first person I want to talk to. When something exciting happens you're the first person I want to call. Izabela you're it for me. I never trusted anyone the way I trust you and I have never been one to sit somewhere to talk about my feelings with someone."

She smiled at his words. She never expected to be that person for him but she was. Her mom was right.

He needed her to bring the good out in him. She was it.

"You know, I had a dream... My mom came and talked to me." she dropped her head crying again.

"S-she, she um she told me not to give up on you. She told me you needed someone to bring the good out in you. That's why I haven't walked away. She's the reason."

He reached up and wiped her tears.

"I miss her Scott, I miss her so much."

"I know baby, I know." he pulled her close again. "I know."

"When I was little she would always tell me 'the world is yours Princesa. Yours for the taking, follow your heart, follow your dreams, follow your instinct but do it because you want to.' That's why I texted you because something kept telling me too."

He smiled down at her before pulling her in for a kiss.

"I wish things were different." he smiled sympathetically.

"You know, I'm used to and it took me a while to realize but now I see if things were different then we wouldn't be here." she smiled at him.

He kissed her again and again and again.

"You're my girl, my person."

"Hm, I don't remember you asking me to be?" she smirked at him.

"Izabela Arroyo will you be my girl?"

"Scott Reed I will be your girl if you promise to never hurt me."

She stuck out her pinky to him.

He wrapped his around hers.

"I promise."

She smiled at him before kissing her again.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now