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"Bro Izabela has to be the hottest single girl at Liberty. How?" Monty questioned to nobody in their group in particular. 

It was now Monday morning and Izabela's first day back.

"Morning boys." she said approaching the group, Jeff placing his arm instinctively over her shoulders. "Who you talking about Mon?"


"Me? Why?"

"You're so hot and so single. How?" 

She laughed "Because the one guy I would actually give a chance in this shit hole hasn't asked me yet." she shrugged slightly looking up at Scott.

Jeff chuckled a little bit at her response.

"Well if he doesn't move fast enough, I'm next in line Princess." Monty winked at her.

She stuck her tongue in disgust and shook her head causing everyone to laugh.

"Dude. Sister. Off limits." Izac said sternly.

"For all of you." Izaiah followed.

"As fun as these conversations always are, I'm going to class." Izabela spoke up turning from under Jeff's arm and making her way to class.

"Yeah me too, I'll catch you guys later." Scott said jogging to catch up with her.

He grabbed her wrist spinning her around and pulling her into an empty classroom. 

"Holy sh- Oh hi."

"Hey." Scott said leaning down to kiss her.

She quickly pulled away shaking her head.

"No...no." she placed her hand on his chest. "We're not together there for no kissing or this." she pulled away.

"But you were letting me do this." he leaned down to kiss her lips quickly "and this" he kissed her kneck. 

"Scott." she warned.

"Izabela." he mimicked her.

He went to pull her into another kiss but she pulled away quickly spinning on her heels going to leave the room. 

"where you going?" he asked slightly pouting

"We Mr.Reed have math class." she said adjusting her bag and leaving him the empty classroom.

She decided to go to the bathroom to adjust her lipstick before going to class.

"Reed where the hell were you this weekend? We kept calling you."She heard Monty ask as she sat in her seat.

"I was busy dude."

"Come on don't get like the Arroyos and Atkins."

"Dude, not every weekend is for partying. I had better things to do." he replied side eyeing Izabela making her smirk at him.

The weekend for him had consisted of nothing but being cuddled in bed with Izabela watching Tv and different movies.  

But her mind had been wandering all Sunday night when he had left. She had decided until he was to ask her out that she wouldn't just be some girl for him.

The class came to an end finally they all felt like Mr.Calentuchi was talking for hours and Mr.Holmes was talking for days in creative writing but it was finally time for lunch.

Making their way to the cafeteria Monty leaned down and whispered "Excited to see your man?" 

"Fuck off de la Cruz." she laughed pushing him slightly. 

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now