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Isabela stood outside of the locker room waiting for her brothers and Jeff.



She jumped startled at the loud sounds escaping the cracks in the doors. She didn't want anything to do with it so she continued to stand there in attempts to mind her own business.

"Fuck off of me." Monty shoved his teammate's hands off of whilst they pushed him out of the locker room. 

"What the fuck!" he slammed the lockers in front of him. "Fuck!" 

"I suggest you calm down before you get suspended and kicked off the team de La Cruz." She stated blatantly looking at the fuming boy.

"Fuck off Arroyo" he said looking at the girl.

She gave him a stern look calming him almost immediately.

"This shit is so fucked! 1st he gets captain and now they're all talking about Bryce and how he's dead! He's fucking dead Isabela!"

"You should probably go get some clothes on." She suggested looking down at the towel around his waist. "We can talk later..." she turned to see her brothers leaving the locker room. 

She walked with her brothers passing Scott on the way. She tried to ignore him but he made it a point to fall in her line of vision. 

* later that night

Isabela was resting in her room when she saw a shadow in her window. 


"Well hello there Mr.Moody " she said opening her window.

"We have to talk..."

"Okay, what about?"

"About us... me... a lot"

"Monty slow down, breath. What's up?"

"Um, last night I was walking around after my dad beat the shit out of me again and I um I saw someone..."

"Montgomery, of all the conversations we've had when you were drunk, you've made more sense than you do right now."

"Last summer, I went to t-this rich kid party with Bryce and the kids from his new school and this house Is, it was huge. I was looking for the bathroom when I um..." he hesitated. 

"It's okay Monty, you know you can tell me anything."

"Yeah, yeah I know it's just... nobody knows." he dropped his head into his hands and tugged at the ends of his messy hair

She nodded and placed a hand on his knee, squeezing slightly encouraging him to continue speaking. 

"I was looking for the bathroom when I walked into this random room and there was this guy on the floor... He um he got up when I walked in and um."

"Oh my god Monty, did he um?"

"No he didn't rape me Is but he um..." he motioned to his private area trying to explain without words

"and? did you um... did you?"

"I did Is, but I'm not gay! I'm not fucking gay!" he stood up bumping shoulders with her aggressively. 

"Hey! hey okay, relax! Just because you liked it doesn't mean you're gay okay? It just means maybe you um li-"

"Fuck you! I don't like dudes!"

"No, I'm not going to say that! I was going to say that maybe you like both Montgomery. And that's okay."

"No, it's not what the fuck do you think my dad is going to do to me Isabela."

"He doesn't have to know, if you can get your grades up you can get a scholarship and go to school away and just forget about Evergreen and live your life."

"I have no future Is! I-"

"Hey! Not with that mindset Monty. You can get out of here, I'm going to help you as I have been. You'll be okay." she hugged him.

He hugged her tightly, she was the only one that ever took the time to get to know him, the only one that stuck around and delt with him. 

"You're all I have Isabela..." he said looking at her.

"And I going to do everything I can do to help you get out of this town but you have to promise me you'll put in the work too okay?"

He nodded.

She sat next to him again and placed his head in her lap and ran her fingers through his head. He was broken and tortured and all he needed was someone to see the potential in him. She was his person and she was going to do everything she could to help him be everything he could ever be.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now