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Izabela woke up to her phone vibrating on the nightstand. 

"Hello?" she spoke groggily 

"Hey, I! How are you?"

"Hi J, I good! How's Florida? I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, it's so hot over here I, I don't know how I'm going to do baseball in this heat." he chuckled 

She giggled making Scott groan as he rolled over to look at her.

"Who's that?"

"Oh um... Scott."

"Reed? Scott Reed? Izabela Jaline Arroyo, you guys got back together? When?"

"Over the break, after um... like a month and a half after Monty's service. He was here for me, he helped me a lot J." she smiled down at Scott as he placed his head in her lap.

"Well that's good, I'm glad you guys work it out Iz. I love you and I'll call you tomorrow."

"I know J, you call me every day haha. I love you too." she hung up. 

"You hadn't told him about us?" 

"Oh um, no. I wanted it to just be me and you for a while you know? Nobody getting in the way, not that Jeff or my brothers would but...yeah."

"I get it babe, it's okay." he smiled up at her pulling her down to kiss him. 

"Alright, up! Let's go we have school ." she pushed him and getting up to get ready. 

"Ugh okay" he rolled off the bed behind her. 

The drive to Liberty was quiet, like the day before. She dreaded having to go into that school with all those people that helped get her person killed. 

"Arroyo! Good Morning."

"Hi, Diego." stated straight-faced. 

"So tonight is the 'Find your Drink Party' as you probably know." he shrugged. "We wanted to do a toast to Monty because you of all people know he should still be here with us and the guys and I wanted to know if you wanted to make the toast to him?"

"Oh um, I really wasn't planning on going..." she said looking around at the football team.

"Why not? You can bring anyone you want and after the toast, you can leave, promise."

"Listen, Diego, I'll text you if I change my mind okay?"

"Yeah totally, see you in 3rd."

She sighed walking to her locker to get her stuff for the day. She found it almost ominous to have to walk around Liberty alone. Like she was a floating ghost. A lonesome ghost left to finish out a year she didn't want to finish. She had talked to Jeff's mom about finishing the year online and just going to college in the Fall and forgetting completely about Liberty High School.

A week before break was over she changed her mind. She didn't want to be that person that went through trauma and disappeared. She wanted to show Clay and his group of friends that framed Monty that he still, even in death, had someone on his side no matter what horrible things he may have done to whatever person. She was on his side through thick and thin. Life and Death.

So she got dressed on the first day and walked into Liberty to honor Montgomery De la Cruz. Her person. 

She had heard back from UofA, she was accepted with scholarships. She knew that if he were there with her he would've picked her up and spun her around and they both would've been on their way to start a new life in Alabama in a couple of months. 

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now