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* 1-month time skip*

"Oh hey good morning." Scott walked back into his room placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Good Morning, we um we have a problem." she said standing up and making his bed for him.

He gave her a questioning look.

"I only have the clothes I had on yesterday and there is definitely not enough time for me to get ready and be at school for the first period."

There were 3 soft knocks at the door before Mrs.Reed walked in the room.

"Hey guys, I may have overheard the conversation and I have these old jeans that of course don't fit me since I had Sean (idk his little brother I made up lol)" she laughed handing her some surprisingly cute ripped jeans

"You happen to have a bigger bust then I do so shirts are out of the question." she laughed.

Scott laughed too at how red her face got.

"Thank you for the jeans." she smiled walking out to the bathroom and changing into them.

"Here babe this is the smallest shirt I have." he threw a green shirt at her.

She put in on and tied it at the front making it like a crop top but on the longer side.

"Oh look at you, you look so good in that baby." he wrapped his fingers in the loops of the jeans and pulled her into his chest.

She kissed the corner of his mouth making him smile down at her.

"I'm driving." she said jingling her keys in his face.

"Did you just make an excuse to come over again after school?" he smirked.

"Maybeeeeee." she smiled turning and leaving his room.

Pulling up to the school she parked next to Jeff's car.

"Morning boys." she hugged them all.

"Morning Mrs. Reed." they smiled teasingly at her.

She laughed waiting for Scott. He finally got out the car and bro-hugged the guys.

They all made their way to Izabela's locker. Jeff, Izac, Izaiah all kind of stood to themselves over by Izac's locker while Scott stayed closer to Izabela.

"Damn Scotty still with the Princess?" Monty question as he approached the small group.

Scott placed an arm protectively around Izabela and nodded.

"I'll catch you guys around." he said looking oddly at Scott and walked away but Scott stayed with his arm wrapped around her protectively.

"Hey, you okay?" she questioned

He nodded watching Monty walk away.

It was the last few weeks of school so soon they would be done with all the crap and rumors that came with Liberty High School.

"Oh I like that look on you, it's cute." she smiled up at him bringing her hand up to his face.

His strong protective demeanor changing almost instantly when he felt her touch.

"Yeah what about this face?" he smiled making a funny face at her making her laugh.

He leaned down placing a soft kiss on her lips smiling.

He had to admit, he is truly happy with her. He finally got the girl.

"Yeah that face too babe." she smiled intertwining their fingers once more and walking to class.

The rest of the baseball season had been canceled due to Bryce's and Justin's arrests and trials. No one had heard anything from the trial throughout the school day so the day went pretty smoothly.

Izabela was laying on her floor doing some work while Scott was on her bed and Jeff at her desk when all their phones went off.

"3 months probation? Are you serious?" she sat up shocked.

"That's insane." Jeff added.

"He deserves so much more, that's ridiculous." she sighed

"He'll screw up his probation somehow and go to jail." Scott shrugged.

"I'm so ready for summer, I hate school."

"Yeah, a summer full of meeeee." He smiled and kissed her lips roughly.

She laughed looking up at him.

"sure whenever you're not playing baseball babe." she laughed rolling on to her back.

"Oh come on babe it won't be too bad. Camp is 2 months."

"Summer is 2 month Scotty." she rolled her eyes at him as she sat up.

He laughed as he threw himself back on the bed.

"Anyway, there are 3 weeks of school left still." she groaned standing and walking to the bathroo,.

He ignored her comment looking down at his phone as it buzzed

"Babe my mom wants you over for dinner tonight." he sighed "She wants to actually formally meet my girlfriend."

"Do you not want me to go?" she questioned at his tone.

"No, of course, I do it's just um, I... I um don't want her to say something embarrassing." dropping his head trying to hide the blush.

She walked out of the bathroom and sat next to him on her bed.

"I'm sure she can't make anything to make me stop liking you, I don't think anyone can."

He brought her hand up to meet his lips as they drove the rest of the way to her house in a comfortable silence.

*Time skip

"This? ... Babe? ... Scott!" he jumped from his position on her bed looking up from his phone to look over the 13th outfit combination she had tried on.

It had been an hour of Izabela trying on an outfit, Scott telling her he liked it and her changing yet again.

Jeans filled her floor, shirts all over the bed, and shoes scattered everywhere.

"Come on baby, she's met you already why are you so caught up on this?" he asked sitting up.

"Because! Your brothers will be there and she has never met me as your girlfriend."

He reached out looping both his index fingers in the belt loop of her jeans pulling her in between in legs letting his hands rest on the back on her thighs.

She threw her arms loosely around his neck looking down at him.

"And anyway who wouldn't love you?" he pulled her face down placing a small kiss on her lips.

"But this outfit for sure, I like your ass in it." he laughed causing her to attempt to pull away from him.

He wrapped his arms quickly around her waist bringing her down on to the bed on top of him.

"She already loves you, since the first time you went with me. She said you left an impression on her. She couldn't believe I finally asked you out. Hell! I can't believe I asked you out." he laughed

Smiling down at him she felt happy for the first time since her mom, genuinely happy.

"Alright lover boy, let's go." she said getting off of him and walking out to his car.

He quickly jogged in front of her and opened her door for her before getting in himself and driving to his house.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now