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Pulling up to his house he hopped out of the car like he usually does and walking over to open her door.

"Babe come on, stop being nervous." he tried to convince her to get out the car but to no avail. 

He kneeled down so he could see her better. 

"Baby." she turned her head to look at him.

"You're lucky you know?"

He gave her a questioning look.

"You don't have to go through these nerves meeting my parents because one is locked away and one isn't coming back."

"Hey, no none of that. Plus, I had to deal with Atkins and your brothers so stop." he said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the car.

"You mean the world to me and my mom knows that she won't hate you and neither will my brothers." he kissed her head lightly as he opened his front door.

"Mom!" he said as he stepped in.

She popped her head out from the kitchen as his brothers ran down the stairs.

"Mom, Josh, Sean... this is my girlfriend Izabela." he smiled wide.

"Nice to meet the girl my boy hasn't stopped talking about for 3 months...again." his mom smiled pulling her into a hug. 

"I'm Josh the older and better looking Reed." "I'm Sean, nice to meet the girl Scotty won't shut up about." 

Scott was the middle child so his brothers constantly teased and mocked his.

"I'm going to change and I am definitely not leaving her here so call us when dinner is ready."

"So 3 months?" she asked plopping down on his bed.

"Shut up." he blushed looking through his dresser for and outfit.

"It's cute babe." she laughed

"'It's cute babe' " he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Y'know, it's been 1 month we've been together?" he questioned changing his shirt.

"Yeah I know." she dropped her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry I didn't say anything."

"It's okay, I just I don't know I thought that was a big thing for girls." he shrugged 

"It is, it's just soon it'll be 8 months."

"Aw babe, I know I'm sorry." he grabbed her hands pulling her into his arms.

"I'm sorry I keep bringing it up, I try not too but I miss her." she dropped her head.

"No, no, no I'm your boyfriend you're supposed to tell me when you feel like this baby okay?" 

Placing a finger under her chin bringing her lips up to meet his. 

"Um ew gross, mom said dinner is ready." Sean said with a face of disgust.

"Dude, it's gross now but wait until you get a girlfriend little bro." Scott threw an arm around his little brother's shoulder still holding Izabela's hand with the other.

"Alright kiddos, dinner is ready. Your dad is on his way so let's wait like 5 more minutes." his mom told them as they sat on the couch.

"Hey, babe you want juice or soda?" 

"Can I just get water please." she said shyly.

"Mom, she's nervous so please." he said walking into the kitchen to join his mom.

"She has no reason to be."

"I've told her like 14 times." he laughed.

"Here, my dad just pulled in so we'll eat soon." he plopped down on the couch next to her.

"Good evening Family" his dad said cheerfully walking in through the back door.

"We have a visitor David." Scott's mom said sternly.

"Ah, well who might this be?"

"Dad, this is Izabela...my girlfriend." Scott placed a hand on her knee.

"Oh! The famous Izabela. Nice to meet you." he waved at her.

"I'm famous here huh?" she laughed looking at Scott.

"Babe stop." he buried his head in her neck.

She wrapped her arms around his neck laughing.

"Alright, lets finally eat! I hope chicken alfredo is okay Izabela."

"Oh yeah of course." she smiled.

After dinner, they all went to sit outside with the fire pit on.

"So Izabela, you and Jeff are family?" his dad asked.

"Um yes but not technically. Our moms were best friends and we grew up together so yeah he's like my brother." she laughed

"Are you an only child?" Sean asked

"No, I'm a triplet. I have two brothers Izac and Izaiah."

"Oh a triplet that's interesting." his mom spoke up.

"Scotty have you met her family?" his dad asked.

Scott looked at her sympathetically grabbing her hand.

"I live with Jeff's family, um my mom passed about 8 months ago and my dad is um in jail for something he really didn't do but things happen." she said

"Oh, honey I sorry."

"No, no I kind of come to terms with it. I mean I miss her so much and I will never get used to her not being here but I know she's watching over me."

"That's good. I feel like I've seen you before." his dad spoke up again.

"Maybe at the games, her brothers play to dad." Scott laughed.

"Ah yes! That's how you guys met right?"

"Something like that." she laughed. 

"You know Izabela, Scott has liked you for a while but he's a shy kid in that aspect." his dad patted his shoulders.

"Yeah, I heard." she laughed squeezing his hand.

"This is why I tried to keep her to myself. You guys are so embarrassing." he hid his face in his hands causing everyone to laugh.

"Let's go in, it's getting late. Scott make sure she gets home safe." his dad stood up.

"I will dad. Come on babe, I have something in my room for you."

Walking into his room she sat on the bed once again.

"What could you possibly have for me?" she laughed looking around

"Here." he handed her a box.

She smiled like a child before starting laughing.

It was the very first picture they had taken together in a picture frame.

"You can put it where ever you want." he said motioning around his room.

"Aw babe, you sure?"

He just nodded.

She stood up looking around deep in thought before walking over to his dresser when he had his TV. She placed it on the corner of the dresser walking back a couple steps to look at it.

She turned to look at him with a questioning look.

"I love it there baby." he opened his arms for her.

She walked over hugging him.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for me and understanding."

"I always will baby. It's me and you... and maybe Jeff and your brothers." he laughed.

You're Different - Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now