|| Chapter 2 ||

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The Principal Breathed softly, his arms falling to his sides.

"Who... who do you think you are?" Demanded the Principal, gripping his fists tightly. "What are you doing in Mr. Baldi's room!"

The man stood behind Mr. Baldi's desk, his eyes glancing at him. He had one glitched eye, with smooth black hair and pale skin. His arms were nonexistent, and he was floating. "My Name is Filename2. I'm no threat towards you nor your school. I wish to help find Baldi."

"Filename2." Echoes the Principal. "You're... quite a sight."

"You can call me a simple glitch in life. Something that never should have been born." Filename2 responds. "But I wish not to speak about that. I believe Baldi is missing, correct?"

"Yes." The Principal hesitated. "How do you know Baldi?"

Filename2 pursed his lips, his one glitched eye slightly twitching. "I've heard quite a lot from this school. I'm simply here to help find Baldimore."

"And do What?" The Principal stiffened.

"Return him here, obviously." Filename2 leans close. "And help you deal with some unnecessary enemies."

"I have no enemies." The Principal muttered darkly. "I don't know what your talking about."

Filename2 walked around the desk, his floating hands tapping it slowly. "Of course not, nor do I wish to spoil anything for you. However I can help you as much as possible."

For someone who is quite... messed up... he certainly looks handsome... The Principal watched as the man approached, adjusting his red shirt. "What do you want in return?" The Principal asked, furrowing his brows.


"You're obviously trying to gain something here." The Principal insisted. "Why else would you like to help?"

The glitch offered a cold smile. "Can't a man do a nice deed? No? Well, you certainly caught me red handed." Filename2 leaned against the wall in front of the Principal. "I will gain what I want while we find Baldi." He places a hand under the Principal's jaw, bringing it up so he could look into his gray eyes. A shiver went down the Principal's body. "Such a Prize. I'm quite jealous of Baldi." The glitch offered a cold smile and pulled away, flicking his nose as he retreats.

The Principal huffed and rubbed his nose. "How do you know so much about Baldimore and I?"

"Not just you both. I know Sweep, Playtime, Bully, Arts and Crafters, Player, you name them, I know them. I keep note of your personalities. They're easy to read." Filename2 snickered. "Baldi, Baldi, Baldi. Such a shame he's corrupted."

The Principal stiffened. "He's not corrupted."

"Not right in the head." Filename2 corrected himself quickly. "But why waste time talking when we can find Baldi?"

"I'm curious of you."

"Everyone is. I limit all information." Filename2 smirked. "Now, start moving. Baldi is close."


The Principal and Filename2 bumped into Sweep on the way. "Prince- !" Sweep would have looked confused. "Who's that?"

"Filename2, meet our Janitor." The Principal knew that Filename2 does know Sweep, but there was no need to creep out the broom. Filename2 offered a cold smile.

"Such a lovely vacuum we have here."

"I'm a broom." Sweep growled.

"Whatever. You're quite handsome for one." Filename2 purred, earning a stutter from Sweep.

He's a playboy? Such a shame. I would have fucked him- Wait, Prince Thing, You fuck Baldi not strangers you just met, even when they're hot, sexy, and ready to pin you to the ground and-
The Principal shook out of his thoughts by the time Sweep and Filename2 were finished talking.

"I know where Baldi is." Filename2 huffed. "But you have to quit daydreaming."

"I'm not daydreaming." The Principal muttered weakly.

Sweep choked slightly. "Do I really have to come? I want to clean-"

"You're coming. You're the one who caused this mess, you're helping with finishing it." Filename2 Snapped lightly, earning a wince from Sweep. Filename2 took a deep breath and offered a cool smile. "Besides, I want to get a better look at someone I'm about to make out with~."

Sweep blushed heavily, stammering. The Principal smirked, loving how the broom was lost in words for once. "I'll have you know that I don't have lips!" Sweep Growled.

"Are you sure?" Filename2 arched a brow. Sweep froze, though the Principal didn't know why Sweep suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"... What are we waiting for? Let's find Baldi!" Sweep announced weakly, then hurried away.

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