|| Chapter 11 ||

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Everyone wanted Sweep dead at first, now they want him alive. Also, I'm making a new book after this one called "Reaching Stars", dedicated to Gotta Sweep x Arts and Crafters because that's apparently a ship. I advise you check that out, because it will have Principal x Baldi hints. I plan on making that book really sweet qwq

Sweep had to be thankful that his reaction skills were on point.

He managed to grab the ruler that swung down, only seconds away from his face, and shoved the shorter male back. "What the hell, Baldimore? What was that all about!" He Snapped. Baldi didn't make an immediate reply, instead lunging again, knocking Sweep over.

Sweep yelped when his back hit the floor, making him grit his teeth and heave Baldi off. Baldi was much stronger than he was, but Sweep had the advantage of size. The former broom pinned Baldi to the ground, ensuring that his ruler was knocked away from him.

"Baldi? Baldi, snap out of it!" Sweep squeaked when Baldi threw him off, causing him to stumble back. Baldi tried to grab Sweep's neck, but instead grabbed empty air as Sweep yanked himself back.

Sweep's back brushed up against the wall, earning a frustrated groan. "Baldimore, is your sexual needs getting out of hand? Do you need to squeeze someone's tits?" Sweep tried.

Baldi didn't seem to be listening or nerved by what Sweep stated. Instead, he grabbed his ruler and lunged, aiming for the taller male's Head. Sweep managed to dodge that blow, but he ended up getting pinned by Baldi.

"You dumb cow." Hissed Baldi, making Sweep wince at the spit droplets that landed on his cheek. "You should have paid attention in class. You should have been a better student. You should have died."

The ruler raised, making Sweep stutter out, "Baldi-!"

Pain rushed through Sweep as the ruler went down on his head. Everything rang, and Sweep tasted a metallic liquid in his mouth. Scarlet droplets fell as Sweep coughed, his head pounding with pain. Baldi raised the ruler again, and Sweep knew that the blows were only going to get worse. Panic showered Sweep, causing him to act out.

He punched Baldi in the jaw, hard.

Baldi fell backwards, and didn't get up. Sweep wheezed softly, not wanting to get up. However, the pain in his head wasn't going to get any better. He forced himself up, shakily balancing before resulting to leaning against the wall. Baldi was on the ground, groaning faintly and holding his jaw.


"... Fuck, Sweepell... That hurt."

Sweep got a bit pissed off. "Great, I hope it did. You hit me with your ruler."


"... Not sexually."

"Oh, God, Sweepell. I'm so sorry." Baldi Mumbled, moving his jaw to test it. "I didn't... I don't know what happened. Everything just blacked out."

Sweep kneeled in front of Baldi, checking his jaw. There was a bruise on it, but it should be fine. Baldi brushes Sweep's long white hair out of the way to investigate his damage. "You have a bruise."

"So do you. I bit my tongue when you hit me." Sweep wiped away the blood from his mouth, wincing when it stained his green undershirt from his white vest. "This is going to take a while to clean-."

Baldi sat up, grabbing Sweep and pulling him close so their faces were inches apart. "What happened."

Sweep squeaked when he did so, not expecting that. He arched a brow. "What happened?"

"When I blacked out, something happened. Obviously. However, I want to hear what happened."

"Well, I got that question wrong and you got mad, said how I should die and tried to hit me with a ruler, but of course I beat you up."

Baldi rolled his eyes and released Sweep. "I'm... sorry. For all that."

"You should be. I almost died."

"I know, and Im sorry. I... I want to try to keep it under control. My anger issues shouldn't be like this, so I want to fix it."

Sweep clicked his tongue, wincing. "I can try to help you. We should go to the-"

"I'm not going. You didn't want to either, and us two looking like this is not going to help. So, we can stay here for a few days." Baldi States, standing up and helping Sweep up.

Sweep nodded slightly. "Whatever you say."

Baldi then arched a brow. "I do remember you talking about my sexual tension. And that I want to squeeze women's breasts."

Sweep blushed slightly. "Hey, I was trying to guess what was wrong with you!"

"I would have fucked you if I wanted to have sex."

"Aw, am I that irresistible ~?" Sweep smirks and turned around, swaying his hips slightly. "You're just jealous that you have Prince's loose ass instead of my big dick-" He yelped when Baldi slammed him against the wall.

"Keep talking like that about Prince and I'll make sure you can't walk straight for weeks." Baldi growled in Sweep's ear.

Sweep shivered. "I'm dominant."

Baldi chuckled. "And I'm Mr. Potato Head."

"...I mean, you both have no hair-"

Sweep was practically tossed onto the bed, breaking off his sentence.


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