|| Chapter 14 ||

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"Good evening, Mr. Baldi!"

Mr. Baldi Scowled inside his head, looking at The Principal with narrowed eyes. However, he smiled coldly.

"Hello to you as well. I hope I didn't knock anything out of your hands." Inside, he wishes he had. The Principal wasn't his favorite person. The Principal was strict and always on the prowl for children who didn't follow the rules. He was formal, wearing a suit with a red tie. His dark gray eyes dull but sharp, and his hair slightly ruffled but usually smoothed back. Mr. Baldi would have treated him like any other teacher - or student - if he didn't pay him.

"No Student has been running in the halls." Chirped the Principal. "Perhaps they are following the rules."

"Or maybe they're sick and tired of hearing your voice, because I know I have." Mr. Baldi sneered, But only earned a small chuckle from the Principal.

"You are quite humorous today, Baldi. Is something on your mind?" The Principal questioned.

"Quitting." Mr. Baldi tried to sidestep the Principal, however he followed.

"You don't mean that." The Principal huffed. "Besides, you're one of my best teachers. No one has ever failed in your class." Mr. Baldi felt proud of the compliment, basking in it. He loved being complimented, it made his day and boosted his own self esteem. Even if it was from someone as annoying as the Principal.

"Of course no one has failed my class." Mr. Baldi snorts. "I'm the top notch teacher that you require."

The Principal chuckled quietly. "I quite agree. Shall we walk to the cafeteria together to grab a small lunch?"

Mr. Baldi wishes he was at that spot again. To repeat the events with a simple yes. He wishes that he didn't force down his sexuality, he wished he didn't push the Principal in that puddle. Mr. Baldi wishes he didn't listen to Sweep when the former broom black mailed him. He wishes he had tried to help Sweep instead of making him think that Mr. Baldi hated him. Mr. Baldi wishes he never tried to drown The Principal, killed that student, left that lake in blood, everything.

All except one thing.

Rain pelted down outside the schoolhouse as Mr. Baldi prepared for his next class. Placing a couple of folders to the side, he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Are you ready for the pep rally?"

He almost jumped at the Principal's tone. Mr. Baldi turned and nodded slightly. "Yes. I just want to give my class one last thing before the end of the school year." Thunder clashes outside of the school. "What are you doing?"

"Ensuring that everything is in place." The Principal chirps. "Are you going to the pep rally?"

"I haven't planned on it. Sweepell's going to be attending."

"If that's what's stopping you-"

"No, don't kick him out, tell him to leave or ban him." Mr. Baldi slammed the ruler onto the desk, causing it to rattle. The Principal was not phased. "He deserves to enjoy himself."

"It's your decision, Mr. Baldi." The Principal States. "I can't force you to-"

"Fine, Prince." Mr. Baldi clenched his hand into a tense fist. "I'll stay with you."

The Principal blinked, then smiled softly. "I knew you were officially loyal to me." He purred, wrapping his arms around Mr. Baldi's waist and bringing him into a deep kiss. Out of the corner of Mr. Baldi's eye, though, was the shadow of two people pressed together.

Mr. Baldi wasn't sure of what they're doing, but he couldn't look at Sweep when Filename2 - a weird looking fellow indeed - came out. Sweep was silent.

"I suppose so." The Principal sighed, crossing his arms. "Very well, what can convince you to come?"

Mr. Baldi arched a brow. "Nothing. I choose to stay out of it and finish off grading for the Year." He replied. "You can enjoy yourself."

The Principal sighed and stole a kiss.

"Why didn't you help me?"

Sweep's voice sounded broken, making Mr. Baldi wince inwardly. "I... don't know what you mean."

"Filename2 said you could have stopped it." Sweep's tone turned from broken to despair. "Why didn't you?"

"Sweepell, Prince-"

"It's going to be an excuse, isn't it." Sweep's voice dropped into a low growl. "Oh, I love Prince so much! He said 'don't help Sweep' and you listened because he was probably sucking your dick."

Mr. Baldi tried to be calm. "Sweepell, listen to me. Prince forced me to decide."

"Decide?" Sweep's frown deepened. Mr. Baldi finally had the nerves to meet Sweep's eyes. Sweep looked terrible, with a broken arm, bruises, and ruffled hair from sleepless nights. Mr. Baldi pursed his lips.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"I don't care about that. Tell me about the decision."

Mr. Baldi sighed. "Prince... made me decide on either you or him. He said that our relationship would have ended if I chosen you."

Sweep fell silent, his red eyes glistening. "...Fine, Prince. You wish to play that card." He snarled. "I'll make you decide for yourself." With that, he leaves.

Mr. Baldi pats the Principal's back slightly. "Thank you." He muttered. "Now, take care. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I suppose you will." The Principal chuckled, leaving.

As the Math teacher got ready to go home, he could hear the music blast from the cafeteria. Mr. Baldi sighed and shifted, taking his ruler and pulling on his jacket to leave.

As Mr. Baldi left the school, slipped into his car, he tried to remember what Sweep said. Make him decide...

Sweep must be torn up by this. He's had a crush on the Principal for so long, only to find out that he was nothing but a punching bag to Prince. Mr. Baldi froze. When The Principal made me choose, it was like he was asking me who he values more... Who he values more... His heart thundered. When he asked, he wanted to know if I cared about Sweep to prevent him from getting hurt or save my relationship with Prince. Is... Sweep going to...

Mr. Baldi rammed open the car door, and slammed it shut once he got out. He stared up at the school, Heart pounding fast.

The Pep rally.

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