|| Chapter 6 || *NSFW WARNING

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If anyone knew what book that was from, with the flashbacks Principal was having, Say it qwq

Also, go check out 50 Shades Of Kink, you can request some Baldi x Principal action ;)


Sweep pressed against the wall, breathing hard.

Damnit, that was way too stressful. Seeing Prince... like that. It was too much... just... too... "Sweepell?"

Filename2's voice broke his thoughts, making the broom turn around sharply. Filename2 met Sweep within the house, leaning on the wall. "Are you telling the full truth?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Demanded Sweep, stiffening.

Filename2 arched a brow. "Quite defensive, no? Calm down, I only wish to speak with you." Filename2 offered a smirk. "We can do this the easy way or hard way."

Sweep growled lowly. "I have nothing to say." He said sharply. "I said all I needed. Prince could be doing something regretful in that shed." Too many pointy things... Sweep felt a longing to rush in and check on The Principal.

Filename2 only smiled. "He's fine." He offered out a floating hand, holding the amulet. "Put this on."

"P-Put it-?"

Filename2 places it on Sweep quickly, and Sweep releases a cry of pain when he shifted back to human. D-Damn, him! How does he get that so easily without looking! Filename2 pinned the smaller male against the wall, running his lips up and down his jaw. "So eye catching. Prince wants to meet your human form, you know?" Filename2 Breathed against Sweep's neck, earning a small squirm. "Why dont you show him?"

"Reasons that you don't need to know." Sweep growled, his breath hitching once Filename2 found his sweet spot. Filename2 circled it with his tongue.

"We'll talk about that later. You're a terrible liar, Sweepell. Prince May have believed you, but I don't." Filename2's hands gripped Sweep's hips. "Where's Baldi?"

"Baldi's dead!"

"Shame that you're lying." Filename2 gently nipped the spot, earning a sharp gasp. "This is the easy way, I don't want to give you the hard way." Sweep felt Filename2's clothed Member rub against his thigh. "Now, What were you saying about... Baldi's death?"

Sweep hesitated, feeling the mouth close around his sweet spot and begin to suck roughly on it. I-I can't betray Baldimore.. but I'm really sore after what happened...

"... He's not dead." Sweep whispered. "Just... give him a break. He really needs to collect himself."

Filename2 finished, pulling away and licking his lips. "Fine, but we tell the Principal before he does anything stupid. In your human form."

Filename2 dragged Sweep away to the Principal, Sweep having a heart attack.


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