|| Chapter 3 || *NSFW WARNING

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Sweep was deeply uncomfortable with Filename2 joining them in search of Baldi.

How did Filename2 know about the amulet? Sweep kept that hidden, and he was sure that the Principal forgot about the transformation. He hated Filename2 already. Sweep made his way towards his closet first, dismissing himself from the trio to ensure that his amulet was still there.

Sweep pushed his way into the closet, peering inside. Empty. Damnit. Damnit. He paid good money for that amulet! Where did it go? Sweep was having a heart attack, trying to look around.

"Are you looking for this?" Filename2's voice was behind Sweep, making him wince.

Sweep turned and noticed Filename2 inspecting it. "Such a beauty. This allows you to transform into a human?"

"Go to hell." Hissed Sweep. "Give me that back!"

"Why should I?" Filename2 smirks, holding it away from Sweep. "You plan on using it?"

Sweep paused. Yes, to get the Principal to love me now that Baldi is out of the picture- "Does it matter to you?" Asked Sweep bitterly. "It's mine. Now give it-"

Filename2 put it on Sweep, and almost immediately the amulet done its work. Sweep was human once more. Pain flared through his body, and he released a cry of agony. He almost fell, however Filename2 caught him. "Such a sight." The glitch Breathed, pushing Sweep against the wall. Sweep, weakened with the shock and pain of the sudden transformation, yelped and struggled.

"Release me!" He shouted, however Filename2 pushed him closer to the wall. Filename2 ran a free floating hand along his long hair, playing with it with an index finger.

"Such a beautiful man." Filename2 Breathed, placing feathered kisses along his jaw. "Shame that he has done everything to get the Principal to love him."

"Shut up." Sweep Hissed. "Stop touching me."

Filename2 paused, before pulling away and licking his lips. "I love it when they deny it at first."

Sweep snarled. "I-" Filename2 smashed his lips into Sweep's, kissing him harshly. Sweep opened his mouth to protest this, however Filename2 pushed his tongue into Sweep's mouth. Sweep released a weak moan when Filename2 explores his mouth, hating every second.

Filename2 snakes a hand down to Sweep's bottom, squeezing it roughly. Sweep released a yelp when he did so, squirming. Filename2 snickered and pulled away. "So, Sweepell, did you like that?"

Sweep Hissed faintly under his breath. "No."

"Shame." Filename2 places two fingers at Sweep's mouth. "Suck?"

"Suck?" Sweep Spat. "You do not make me-" Filename2 shoves his fingers into Sweep's mouth, earning a muffled cry from the former broom.

Filename2 offered a smirk. "Suck, don't bite~"

Sweep growled but sucked, running his tongue around his fingers weakly. Filename2 Released a dominant growl, Sweep feeling disgusted that Filename2 was enjoying this. Filename2 pulled his fingers away from Sweep's mouth, earning a low hiss from him.

"Why, were you enjoying this?" Filename2 Whispered, his other hand squeezing Sweep's rump again.

Sweep shuddered. "You wish." He growled, squirming slightly. Filename2 Made No immediate response, pulling down Sweep's pants. Sweep yelped when he was suddenly turned around and bent over, his hips raised for Filename2. Sweep never thought he would be in this position. Not even with The Principal. Sweep squirmed when he felt something Touch his entrance, a sharp gasp escaping his mouth. "Don't touch me there!" He Snapped, his heart racing.

Filename2 had no intentions on stopping, instead pushing a finger inside. Tears stung Sweep's eyes, and he faced the wall, trying to distract himself with it. Sweep's back arched when Filename2's second finger intruded his ass. Filename2 made a scissor like motion, earning a weakened moan from Sweep. Sweep had to admit, it was pleasurable. But he didn't want it. Sweep tried to imagine something else, anything else. His body still hurt from the transformation, but he was slowly regaining his strength.

Sweep felt a third finger inside him. "F-fuck... you..." Sweep Breathed, giving up on struggling. However, he was trying to regain his strength.

Filename2 only chuckled, thrusting his fingers in and out of the former broom. Sweep raised his ass, trying to look like he gave up. He felt pleasure flare through his spine, earning soft moans from him. Finally, he felt his strength return. Filename2 pulled his fingers out, unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants. As he did so, Sweep suddenly turned and knocked him over.

"You're very funny." Sweep Growled, leaning down. "Thinking you're in charge of me."

Filename2 weakly smirked. "I am."

"Funny." Sweep pushes his hips back, grinding himself down onto Filename2's Member. "I'll have fun with you, but I'm still dominant."

Filename2's glitched eye buzzed out. "Is that so? I haven't had fun in years."

Sweep huffed and lowered himself, releasing a soft moan when he felt Filename2 burry himself deep into him. Sweep rammed his lips down onto Filename2's, kissing him harshly. He began to roll his hips back, riding the other. He felt proud that he had control, though he was the one who technically 'bottomed'. Sweep felt Filename2's hands on his hips, bringing him down hard to go rougher on him.

"What's my name, Sweepell?" Filename2 Growled. "Scream it for the whole school to hear~"

Sweep released a choked yelp when he said that, pushing his hips down. "F-Filename2." He stammered, gasping when he was knocked backwards onto his back. Filename2 thrusted into him like that, a new sensation flaring through Sweep. D-damn... this.. I....

He allowed Filename2 to latch onto his neck, sucking roughly on his skin. "I'm going to make you mine." Filename2 Breathed. "Is that clear?"

"You wish." Sweep offered a smirk.

Filename2 snarled and pulled away, kissing Sweep once more. Sweep came all over his chest, releasing a weak moan. Filename2 came inside Sweep, thrusting a few times to ensure that it stayed inside him. Sweep rested his head on the ground, breathing hard as he tried to regain himself.

Filename2 pulled away and cupped Sweep's cheek. "That was hot." Filename2 smirks. "That was my pay."

Sweep felt confusion flood him, wondering what the glitch was talking about, however Filename2 stood up and helped Sweep up. "You should probably change." Smirked Filename2. "And hope you don't leak~" With that, he left.

Sweep gave Filename2 a glare, before pulling up his pants and taking off the amulet. This time, he hid it in a place he was sure no one could find it, before stumbling off in his broom form to join the Principal, who was waiting by the entrance.

"What happened? We could have used this time to search!" The Principal protested. Sweep blushed heavily, and Filename2 smirked.

"Just getting my pay for helping..~"

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