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Quick A.N.! My old account @-_-percyjackson-_- (that I lost the password to) has another percabeth at Goode book. I am using some ideas from that book, and if you want to, you can check it out also. The story line is very different, so it's not like the same book.


When Chiron summoned me to the Big House, I found it a little off. Every time I had been summoned previously, it'd been about a quest or some expedition that was a huge ordeal, and I had made it very clear I would be leaving camp in about 2 days.

So a quest, I told myself, was out of the question. I'd kindly decline, and offer to help or be of service, but I was done now. 2 great prophecies under my belt was enough for me, and I needed a break. Nevertheless, I walked up the stairs to the big house and silently hated the fact I was a demigod, and hated myself for knowing, even if it was a dangerous quest, I wouldn't be able to decline.

I opened the door, and was greeted by the familiar scent of the fire. It was the end of August, and a chill of September was setting in the air.

"Percy," said Chiron from the living area. "Come take a seat."

I walked into the room to see Clarisse, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo all sitting around the table. Jason and Piper were lost in their own conversation, Annabeth appeared to be exasperated after (probably) arguing with Chiron (as usual), and Leo was twiddling with some random pieces of metal and turning them into mechanical animals before disassembling them. Pile of metal, turn to robotic horse, disassemble. Pile of metal, turn to killer dog, disassemble. He did the process over and over in just a matter of seconds. I saw a fish, a dragon, and more.

"Alright, children- Well, not children... errr... teenagers," Chiron said.

"Yeah, definitely not children," Jason laughed.

"That's why you're here, actually," Chiron chuckled.

"Uh oh," Leo muttered next to me. "Looks like you and Annabeths PDA have set a bad example to little innocent kids."

Chiron raised an eyebrow. "Actually, no. Your behavior has been flawless, even in your rebellious hormonal state. Why you're here, actually... is for your own good."

Everybody glanced around the table, unsure.

"We want to send you to high school, in the mortal world. You're 17, and we think you'd do good as juniors and seniors in a normal environment with people your age for once. It'd let you know if you thought you could leave camp and pursue a normal life! This is a great opportunity." Chiron smiled.

Some people spoke up, but I tuned them out. It wouldn't matter to me. I was already going to school with Paul at Goode, and wherever these guys got sent, I didn't really care, as long as Annabeth would be okay.

It wasn't until Chiron said my name. "Percy's father, Paul, has agreed to give you all a golden opportunity." I knit my eyebrows in confusion. "You all will attend Goode High School with Percy this fall and spring semester."

"Wait, what?" I blurted out.

"I know, it'll be great for you," Chiron said. "As head councilors, you can bond and then decide what to do with your life."

"So you're kicking us out?" Clarisse summed up.

"Well, no," Chiron laughed. "I just didn't think you'd want to sit around camp for the rest of your existent."

Well, that part was true. Annabeth and I had often tossed around our ideas about life after camp. We were outgrowing this place. We'd discussed New Rome, New York, heading back to San Francisco. We had narrowed it down to New Rome and New York, considering San Francisco was too far away from Camp Half-Blood, and we needed to stay close, just in case.

There was a wave of silence.

"You're leaving tomorrow," Chiron said. "Pack your bags."

With that, he sent us out dumbfounded, and I myself, was irritated. Sure, I didn't mind having Annabeth around, I actually liked the idea of a normal high school with her, but... Clarisse and Jason, really? All the 3 of us ever did was argue, and Leo? Really? He blew too much up. And Hazel... Hazel, in a 21st century high school... I shuddered at the thought.

I was the last to leave, as I'd stuck around to watch Annabeth and Chiron argue. From what I could tell, Annabeth had wanted to stay this year year round, and polish up her skills all around so she'd have mastered all the weapons at camp, and to work on some architecture, but Chiron had already made up his mind.

Annoyed, she huffed out of the Big House Beside me.

"Seriously? High school? With mortals? Unbelievable." She said.

"Annabeth," I said calmly. "Maybe it won't be so bad."

She sighed angrily. "Maybe you're right... at least I have you."

Our fingers intertwined, and we walked back to my cabin together.

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