III- Prank Wars

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The 3 of us sprinted to the lava wall as fast as we possibly could- and, I hate to brag, but Jason and I had silently turned it into a little competition, and I had won. I'd never been a good runner, but I guess running for your life every 20 minutes helps.

"I won," I smirked at Jason.

"Actually, I beat both of you." Annabeth voiced. "Now where's Piper?"

Jason smirked, and then dirt exploded all around us and mud fell out of nowhere. People jumped out of bushes and threw water balloons at us, and toilet paper. Then, Clarisse jumped out of nowhere with a paintball gun and started shooting the daylights out of me screaming, "HOW YOU LIKE THAT JACKSON?"

"PRANK WARS!" Yelled Jason. The paintball gun stung and I could hardly see anything thanks to the mud. Another random camper jumped out of nowhere and threw raw eggs at us. As soon as they cracked, the smell was suffocating. I started coughing.

"TOO FAR, GRACE," I wheezed, the smell was so horrid I wanted to fall over and die. I saw he and Piper and Clarisse, doubled over laughing. Clarisse even fell on the ground.

"Son of Poseidon scared to drown," Jason cackled.

"Hey, I, uh, got over that." I shot back, before faceplanting in the mud.

Annabeth began going off on some rant and yelling, but my ears were so full of mud, I couldn't hear. I wasn't sure if I was glad of that, or if I was missing out. Annabeth was kind of funny- and hot- when she was mad.

"Alright, go wash up, seriously," I heard Piper say through laughs. "You smell disgusting."

I felt the charmspeak make me want to get up, but I was under so many pounds of mud I could hardly move. I just sprawled out on the ground, trying not to suffocate from the smell.

Suddenly I felt a hand around my wrist pulling me. I was hefted up onto somebody's shoulder, military style. I rubbed the mud off my eyes and saw Annabeth.

How embarrassing.

My girlfriend was carrying me across the camp slung across her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Was I really that light?

She carried me towards the showers and threw me off her shoulder. "Go clean up." She said.

"Yes sir." I said back, and she shot me a joking glare and rolled her eyes with that beautiful smile.

I took a quick shower and got most of the mud out of my ears.

After I stepped out, I saw Annabeth waiting for me with a clean Camp Half-Blood shirt in her hands. I tossed it over my shoulder. "Oh, it's so on. We're gonna clobber Jason and Clarisse and Piper."

"Heck, we're going to high school. Social humiliation." Annabeth smirked evilly.

We ate lunch and then packed, and all the while, Annabeth and I decided to recruit Leo for our prank wars team, considering he could be very useful. So far it was Piper, Jason, and Clarisse against Leo, Annabeth, and Percy. So sweet talk, lightning guy, and ruthless daughter of Ares versus builder, brains, and human Nemo. Finally, it was nighttime.

Leo, Annabeth and I sat in my cabin, talking about high school.

"Percy, we can be a normal couple," Annabeth smiled.

"Bad grades.." I groaned. "Detention."

"Hot girls," Leo said dazed. Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "What?" Leo said in response.

"Nothing," Annabeth said. "I'm gonna head back to my cabin. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight, Seaweed brain." She kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you more, wise girl," I said, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Do I get a kiss?" Leo spoke up. I'd almost forgotten he was here.

"Dammit Leo," I cursed, feeling embarrassed. "Get our of here, man."

Leo laughed all the way to the Hephaestus cabin.

Surprisingly, I had no nightmares that night, but instead awoke to somebody banging on my cabin door so loud I thought they were going to break it in.

"What?" I called out sleepily, and sat up rubbing my eyes. "Come in!"

Annabeth burst through the door with a horrified look. "Percy, you were supposed to be at the van 30 minutes ago, packed and ready."

I jumped up and threw on a shirt quickly. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up my duffel bag, and tripped on my way out the cabin, with Annabeth running ahead of me grumbling something in Ancient Greek.

When I got to the truck, Argus dished me a disapproving look- and that was a LOT of looks at once. All of his eyes narrowed and looked at me with disappointment, as if to say, you're not gonna make it out of high school without getting suspended.

"Nice fashion statement," Piper muttered. I glanced down at my blue plaid pajama pants.

"I thought the blue and orange went together," I said.

"Percy, we're so going shopping for you before school, I'm not parading around with a hooligan," Leo mimicked her in his best Aphrodite diva impression. Piper rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though," Annabeth said. "We are going to go shopping... sorry Percy."

I huffed, but I knew there was no winning that argument.

Nevertheless, Argus hit the gas and began driving.

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