XII- Leo Gets Attacked by Jocks

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All of us together walked out on car rider line. Considering the circumstances of 9 half-bloods in one place and then a half-Blood teacher in the school, we must be flying a serious red flag to whatever monsters are in a 300 mile radius of us.

"How'd it go?" I asked. Everybody started grumbling all at once.

Leo shoved his hands in his pockets. "About that-"

"Leo fuck-head Valdez!" Yelled somebody. Suddenly some big dude burst through the doors. "I'll smash your skull in!"

"Monster?" I asked, my hand drifting to my pocket where my coin was.

"Worse." Leo yelped. "Treece Hatcherson!"

"Free hashbrowns?" Percy asked. "Where?"

"I'll squash you like a bug you little pest!" Yelled the guy. His eyes fixed on Leo. "There you are." The guy stormed towards us. "You fucking scrawny dweeb. Who do you think you are-"

"He's Mr. McShizzleman." Percy said, stepping in front of the guy. "And you my friend look like the McShizzleman set you on fire, and somebody tried to put it out with a hammer."

I was about to laugh, when the guy grabbed Percy's shirt. I got ready to take the guy down, when Percy put his hand out. He turned back to the guy. "Sure you wanna do that man?"

"I wouldn't." Clarisse warned. "He has an Annabeth."

The guy turned his attention to Annabeth. "Annabeth secretly wants me."

Annabeth looked like she was about to go off, but Percy put his hand out. "Hold up, I just wanna see if this guy is actually serious. Like you're positive you wanna do this?"

The guy made a face. "The fuck does that mean?"

"Cursing is a sign of low intelligence," Annabeth said. "You don't have more than a 4 letter vocabulary."

The guy made another face, and that's when Percy grabbed his forearms where he had his shirt, twisted, and had the guy in a serious armlock in about 2 seconds. "Now, I could break your arm right now, comprende? But I'm a good person, and won't, ci amigo?"

The guy nodded so fast I thought his head would fall off. "Please don't man! Please, please."

Percy let the guy go. "Now, I wouldn't mess with Valdez McShizzleman, 'less you wanna deal with all of us."

I stepped in. "All of us."

The guy made a face and backed away. "Wow, you guys really are freaks. Maybe Veronica was right." The guy turned and stumbled as he ran to a big group of jocks.

"Freaks," I repeated. "Oh well."

Percy shrugged. "Used to it."

"That was bad ass Percy," laughed Clarisse. "But you're still a scrawny kelp head, and I can still break you like a toothpick."

Percy laughed. "Almost like home."

And then, as if on cue...




I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning. "What do you want, Layla..." I said it more than asked it.

"I thought that part was obvious," she giggled. "I want you."

"I mean I totes, have to have you Percy," Veronica chimed in. "The hot group of new people that everybody's talking about- gorgeous girls and sexy guys, sign me up."

"I thought we were freaks," Percy said with a shrug. "But I know, Annabeth is pretty gorgeous."

Annabeth smiled up at him, and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Veronica's expression.

"You set yourself up for that one, man," Leo said. "I mean, I'll take your compliment, but these other suckers my not, you know?"

"Get lost, loser." Veronica said.

"We both know Leo isn't a loser," I shrugged and said aimlessly. "Leo's actually pretty cool."

Veronica took a step toward Percy. "I like your shirt. What's it made of? Boyfriend material?"

"That's so old man," Percy shook his head. "Please, never repeat that again. Disney in 2006 is calling, it wants it's scripts back."

"Heck, Mean Girls from 2004 is calling," laughed Leo. "It wants its girls back."

In that moment, I realized how much these girls resembled the 2 actresses.

"Whatever." Veronica said. "Bye Percy, love you."

"Bye Percy, love you," mimicked Leo. "How come it's always Percy? Percy Percy Percy! Well Leo needs a sex life too, you know."

"Leo!" Piper complained.

"Leo, you've got your machines," Leo said to himself. "Stick to your machines."

"Ew! Leo!" Piper said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, and Percy awkwardly stood there attempting to bite back a smile.

I couldn't help it. I crumbled in laughter, shortly followed by Leo, Percy, Frank, and Clarisse.

"Leo shut up," Percy said.

"Hey man, I know what you're all thinking here: Leo the life long virgin." Leo said. "But honestly, it can't be that bad can it?"

"Alright, enough," I said, managing to get my laughter under control. "Leo, c'mon."

Leo shrugged. "Yes, Captain Jason."

I rolled my eyes. Argus pulled up. "Yo, our rides here."

All of us walked together to jump in the van. On the way, I overheard somebody tell their friends, "Yeah, that's that perfect group of new kids. They all look like A-List celebrities..."

Percy must've heard it too, because he said, "Hey man, I knew you were buff from fighting monsters, but I didn't know you were that sexy."

I laughed. I felt Piper lock her hand in mine, and I smiled at her. Despite the crappy first day we had, it was alright, as long as I had her.

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