IX- Lunch

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Somehow, all of us had lunch together.

I had no clue how, unless Chiron magically interfered with our schedule, but we did.

Jason and Leo and I walked together to go grab the stuff we needed and talked.

"I don't know, dude," Jason said after I explained Veronica to him, "but there's this one girl named Layla, and she literally was all over me today. It was weird."

"Yeah, well Veronica made eye contact every time we talked about our worksheet, and would touch my hand while I was writing, all sorts of crap," I said.

"Did you tell Annabeth?" Leo asked.

"Oh heck no," I said. "Not about that. Not that I don't want her to know or anything, but... could you imagine what she'd do to that girl?"

Jason, Leo and I all sat down at our table. Frank walked up with Hazel and Clarisse and joined us. We all sat down. I had no clue where Annabeth and Piper were. The last I'd seen Annabeth, she'd headed down the hallway with Piper.

"What, is brains skipping lunch to go to the library?" Clarisse asked.

Everybody at the table laughed a little. We all started talking about the school and how lame mortal problems were. I sat down with my magic lunch box that gave me unlimited pizza- it was sort of like Leo's tool belt, but with food. Clarisse talked about some guy that wouldn't get off of her, and Leo talked about his construction class and how the instructor had no clue what he was talking about, and Jason talked about trying out for basketball.

That's when somebody put their stuff down beside me, where I had saved a spot for Annabeth.

"How nice for you to save a seat for me, Percy," said Veronica, as she sat down. "Funny thing, everybody is talking about all of you. The hot new kids all coming in at once from the same school? Kind of mysterious." She said with her hand on my arm. I didn't like her tone. Aphrodite's kids would seriously be jealous.

"Oh, hey, sorry, uh," I stammered. "Veronica, I had that seat saved for-"

"Hey Percy, who's this?" Said Annabeth. I looked up to see Piper and her with raised eyebrows.

"More like who are you? Everybody knows me and my daddy." Veronica said checking her nails, as if Annabeth was an annoying little bug.

"Yeah," Annabeth said said. "Speaking of your daddy, him and your oh-so-special family called. They wants their idiot back."

"Oh snap," Leo said from across the table, snapping his fingers. "Reality hit this one hard, and I mean Percy's abs hard."

Everybody laughed.

"Speaking of Percy's abs," Veronica said. "Woah, do you have abs?" I looked at Jason uncomfortably. Veronica reached her hand down to my chest and abs, and I quickly pulled back, almost out of my seat.

"Uh, I, uh," I accidentally fell onto Jason.

"Omg, you do have abs," Veronica said. Jason shoved me off of him and into Veronica, much to my distaste.

I looked up to see Annabeth gripping the table so hard her knuckles were white, and Clarisse holding onto her forearm.

"Alright, Veronica, I'm, uh, I'm sorry, but I have a girlfriend," I said. "And uh... I don't like physical touch."

I had to pull a Nico. Hey, emergency situation. What can I say?

"Sorry not sorry," said Leo, mimicking me, and then stabbed an apple with a fork.

"Um... and who would that be?" Veronica said as if nobody were worthy of me but her.

"Um, me." Annabeth spoke up, her voice bold and confident.

"Oh... ew..." Veronica said distastefully as she looked Annabeth up and down.

"Ew?" Piper broke in. "I'm sorry, but the only ew thing I see is your cuticles. You'd think for a girl who spends as much time as you do looking at your nails, you'd at least make them pretty."

I gave Piper an odd look. Since when did she act like she noticed makeup or nails?

"Um Piper," Leo laughed. "Your Aphrodite is showing."

All of us snickered, and Piper rolled her eyes. "Cuticles that bad cant go unnoticed by anybody." Everybody howled with laughter at that.

Veronica made a 'um, excuse me' face and held up her hand. "Um, learn your place hun."

"Actually, you should learn yours," Clarisse said. "You don't wanna mess with Annabeth, trust me. Save yourself. Either she'll judo flip you or talk your ears off about architecture and stupid Athena kid stuff, and put you in a brain-overload trance."

"Yeah, trust me," Leo broke in. "You're gonna wanna leave her alone."

"Athena? What? Weirdos. You people don't scare me," she said. "Just remember, my daddy owns half of New York, and you might even live in one of his buildings."

I'm pretty sure I heard Annabeth mutter, "my dad owns a biplane full of machine guns, wanna whirl?" But then Jason broke in.

"My dad kind of owns the sky, you know," Jason spoke up, with a smirk.

"Oh, he owns an Airplane company?" Veronica said dumbly. Snickers rose up among us.

"Totally," Jason said. "He owns them all, or co-owns. American Airlines. US Air. You name it? He owns it. He runs the sky."

"My dad owns the sea," I spoke up. "You know, ships and stuff. Yacht companies, the usual. He also works with marine biology, you know?" More snickers.

"My mom owns a makeup company," Piper said. "And then my dad's an actor."

One of the girls behind Veronica gasped. "Oh my gosh, I recognize you! You're Piper McLean! Tristan McLean is your dad! Oh. My. Gosh."

Piper winced. "Right..." She said uneasily.

"Not the point," Veronica interrupted. "But I love your dad." She turned to Annabeth. "Anyways, who are you again? I don't think you have any business with Percy."

"You have noooo idea," Annabeth smirked. "I'm surprised you have classes with him. No offense, but he's in about the lowest IQ classes that come."

"Hey!" I protested.

"I stay in those classes cause all the hot baddies are in there," Veronica argued, "like Percy and Jason."

Piper tensed. "Jason's my boyfriend."

"Maybe for now. But I get what I want." Veronica said.

"Wait, I'm confused," I said. "Do you want me, or Jason? This whole thing is confusing me."

"Told you he had a low IQ," Annabeth said.

"Okay, but me or Jason? I need an answer." I said bluntly.

Veronica made a face before walking off.

Book recommendations:

So a few people have asked for some book recommendations, (aside from PJO and HOO and TOA) so here they are.

•Shamans Spark by Marcus Lawson (and sequel) -this may only be available on eBook, but the first was published paperback. I personally love this book.
•The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan (series)
•The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (series)
•Divergent by Veronica Roth (series)
•This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp (novel)
•The Maze Runner by James Dashner (series)
•Ghost Soldier by Elaine Marie Alphin (novel)

If you already read these I can post some more on my next chapter but these are some of my all time favorites that a lot of people like.

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