XVII- Parties

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We had to be granted access at the gates to enter the party, then the driveway was long and curvy, probably a mile long. The yard was huge, cut clear, and full of beautiful plants and gardens. The mansion was huge. Not quite the size of ours, but still huge. Whoever this guy was, he seriously had a lot of money.

Rolling up to a party in a blue mustang with a hot girl (Piper) at my side was pretty awesome. Everybody that was outside in the yard cocked their heads over. The huge front yard included bushes and flowers, a huge plaza with a fountain in the middle, and pathways branching out to either side. However, cups and trashed littered the ground, and 2 people making out by the fountain ruined the picture. Silly spray was strung everywhere, and people were lying around or standing around or dancing everywhere. Percy pulled in behind me, followed by Leo and Clarisse. Everybody turned and looked at our sick ass rides. I leaned against my car, waiting on my boy Perce to get out.

"Yo Jason!" Yelled my mortal friend, Damon. "Catch!"

He lobbed a football at me and I caught it with one hand, Odell style. Everybody goes "OHHHHHHH."

I smirked.

Damon walked up to me. He was the senior captain of the football team, and everybody thought he was 'sexy.'

"Man Grace, I'd like to play with you. The seasons already started, but I'm sure coach would let you on the team once he saw what you could do." Damon said. "You'd be one hell of a running back."

"Thanks man," I said.

"And your friend, Percy, he'd be a hell of a wide receiver." Damon said.

"You think so?" I asked. Percy walked up.

"Man, I'm not much for football," Percy shrugged. "I get enough of being ran up on and tackled everyday." Percy shrugged, and I had to bite back a laugh.

"What, by all those girls?" Damon asked.

Percy and I exchanged smirks. "Not really what I meant, but that works too."

"Well, if you change your mind, you can lemme know." Damon said before walking off.

I walked over to Piper and kissed her, and enter laced our fingers. She smiled up at me. "Let's go." I said.


I let Annabeth out of the car like a good boyfriend, and went to talk to Damon. He wants me to play football, but I've had wayyy too much of running for my life. Annabeth recommended we both do cross country instead, and then I can do swim team this winter, and we can both do fencing in the spring. I thought it was a great idea (all of Annabeths ideas are) and that we could stay in shape and sharpen our skills in a completely normal way.

Jason, Piper, Annabeth and I walked in side by side, Leo and Clarisse right behind us.

I overheard some people talking about us.

"Man, those cars are sick!"

"That Annabeth chick is smokin..."

"Percy Jackson is so sexy, oh my gosh."

"Jason Grace has such a nice bod."

"Percy has a nice bod too."

"Piper McLean is so sexy. I think her dad's in a movie or something. She has a niceee ass."

"Annabeth has a nice ass too."

Yeah, I wanted to smack them, but it made me feel proud to have my wise girl. I pulled her closer and she rolled her eyes at the comments. Somebody whistled as we all went by.

"Man Seaweed Brain, these girls are allll over you," Annabeth said. "What am I gonna do?"

"You could kiss me." I volunteered. She picked me on the lips and I smiled back at her.

"I love you, seaweed brain." She said.

"I love you more, wise girl," I replied.

"No you don't," she argued.

"Yes I do," I said.


"Do too."





"Okay okay," Piper interrupted. "Annabeth, you wanna go find Ash?"

"Sure," Annabeth replied.

Before I could object, Piper and Annabeth had already ran into the house.

"Well..." I looked over at Jason. He shrugged.

"Alright bro," Jason said. "Let's go find Chad and Justin."

"Alright," I said. We walked into the house and my jaw dropped.

I've seen come pretty chaotic things in my life. New York being destroyed, a whole cruise ship in a trance, a magic island being destroyed by guinea pig pirates, but nothing, nothing was as chaotic as this high school party.

There was silly string everywhere, spilled and crushed cups, there were so many people that everybody was on top of each other, and the music was so loud it made my teeth chatter. There were flashing strobe lights and red lifts, because no, you can't have a party with normal lighting, of course.

"Want some punch?" Said a girl walking by me with a red solo cup.

"Nope." I replied shortly and pushed past her.

There were girls dancing all over guys, and people making out in the corner.

"I thought I'd seen it all." Jason said beside me.

"Uh huh..." I mumbled.

"I think we need to stay together." Said Leo from behind me.

"Uh... ya think?" Asked Jason.

"Hey guys!" Said a voice and then somebody pushed through a crowd. "Hey!"

It was Veronica.

Of course.

"Do you guys wanna go out to the pool? It's less crowded out there. My brother only lets the popular kids go out there, so none of these losers will bother us." She said.

"Your- your brother?" I asked.

"Yep," Veronica said. "Party Dave? Duh that's my brother."

"Wait." I said. "This is your house?"

Leo froze. "Guys. Don't panic. But I think... I think we're inside the devils dungeon."

"Oh shut up, flame boy. Little freak. You know my brother could sue you for accidentally setting him on fire in engineering, right?" Veronica snapped.

"Why does everybody always pick on Leo?" Leo mumbled.

"Hey Leo!" Called a guys voice from the corner. "Wanna hang with us tonight?"

I looked over to see a group of nice looking people, about 4 guys and 2 girls. Unlike everybody else at this party, they had clothes on.

"I'll catch you guys later," Leo said before walking over to them. "Oh, Clarisse, you comin?"

"Uh... sure." Clarisse shrugged. Clarisse has actually gotten more passive since coming to high school. Maybe it was good for her. I felt like now she was less likely to stab me in the throat.

"Alright, c'mon cuties," Veronica said before grabbing my wrist and pulling me outside before I could object.

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