XVIII- It's Going Down

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Veronica dragged Jason and I out of the house and shut the door behind us. Despite them only letting 'popular people' in the pool, it was still super crowded. I seriously could hardly see the bottom.

"EVERYBODY WATCH OUT!" Yelled a voice. Everybody looked up and began moving out of the way. I tried to follow their gaze, and looked up just in time to see a guy flying off the roof. Party Dave landed in the middle of the pool with a gigantic splash. There was silence, and then he broke the surface of the water with his hands up.

"HES ALIVE, HES ALIVE, HES ALIVE!" Everybody chanted.

Lights hung around the pool and everybody had beer cans or solo cups everywhere.

"Did you guys bring swim trunks?" Veronica asked.

"Yep." I said quickly, giving a silent prayer to Aphrodite.

Jason looked over at me surprised.

"Awesome! I'll swim with you, Percy." She winked at me.

"Swim away, swim away..." I muttered to Jason.

Jason and I took off our shirts. When I looked down, I was thankful to see swim trunks on. I silently thanked Aphrodite before I stripped my pants. My swim trunks were sea green, and Jason's were sky blue.

I went up on the diving board, and everybody pushed up against the side of the pool to give me room. I jumped off the diving board and did a full and landed in a perfect dive. When I came up, everybody was cheering. Jason jumped in with a backflip and into a perfect dive. Everybody cheered.

When Jason came back up, we went over to the far side of the pool and started talking. Of course... Veronica came over with Layla.

"Hey Percy!" She said, shoving my shoulder. "How do you like the party?"

"Uh oh," I said, gasping and flailing my arms. "I think I'm drowning."

I sank below the surface. I waited a moment, and then rolled my eyes, grabbed Jason's foot, and pulled him under with me. He looked like a blowfish when he came down, his cheeks blown up like a chipmunk. I started laughing at him and pointing my finger. He rolled his eyes. When he went to swim back up to the surface, I stopped him, and created a giant air bubble. He walked into it. We sat on the bottom of the pool, feet and legs above us kicking and swimming. Jason stared up. "Woah. I didn't know you could do this."

"Woo buddy," I said. "You don't know half the things I can do."

"I'll take your word for it," he laughed.

"You on the other hand do have the force..." I tapped my chin. "Wait. Can you force choke somebody?"

"Dude, that'd be so awesome. I've never tried it. You can break down people from the inside out though, and that's pretty dang sick." Jason said.

"Wonder where everybody else is?" I asked.

Jason shrugged. "No clue. Obviously they don't need us though."

"I feel highly unappreciated." I pouted.

"Me too." Jason leaned against the walls of the bubble, crossing his arms.

"I miss camp," I sighed.

"Me too, Perce," Jason said, closing his eyes. "Meeee too."

A huge splash came from above us. I looked up to see Annabeth.


I swam out of the bubble, but willed it subconsciously to stay up so Jason could still breath.

I broke the surface, and saw Annabeth in the pool in full clothes, and Veronica standing over her, arguing with Piper now. Suddenly, Veronica pushed Piper in in full clothes.

Veronica and her gang of bitches laughed and made rude remarks.

"Is there a problem?" I asked. I sent a mental message to Jason. Yo! Veronica just shoved Piper and Annabeth into the pool! That was a new power I had now. If somebody was in water, I could mentally communicate with them. It was kind of funny to use at camp pranking the Ares kids by standing beside the water pump.

Jason swam up to the surface a second later. "What the actual fuck!" He yelled and the pool got silent. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Hey Jaycee poo," Layla said.

"We were just putting these 2 in their places," Veronica said looking at me. "Now, Annabeth, break up with Percy."

I turned to look at Annabeth, and she burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry," she wheezed. "But I fell all the way to Tartarus and you thinking pushing me into a 5 foot pool is going to put me in my place?"

All of us started laughing so hard we couldn't breath. Behind us, I heard Leo and Clarisse and turned to see them sitting at a table playing some card game.

I looked over at Annabeth between laughs. "I love you, wise girl."

"I love you too, seaweed brain," she said between laughs.

Finally, we managed to pull it together before everybody drowned, however they couldn't, because I of course would've saved them.

"I'm sorry Veronica, but honestly. Do you seriously think you can come between Percy and I?" Annabeth asked.

"Seriously," I backed her up.

"Tarter sauce? Why the heck did you fall in tarter sauce? You are so weird, freak." Veronica said.

"Yeah. Totes weird." Layla said absentmindedly in a monotone voice as she stared at her nails.

"You guys sound lifeless..." Jason muttered.

"She looks lifeless too. You need a brighter shade of lipstick." Piper said. Then she shuddered. "I've spent too long in high school."

Veronica turned and stomped off. I kissed Annabeth.

All of us swam down to the bottom of the pool and I created a giant air bubble for Piper and Jason and Annabeth and I. We stayed down there talking until the party was over.

When we swam back up, I willed everybody to be dry, and we rolled out in our lit cars.

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