XV- Lunch

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Finally, it was lunch. I had to tell Annabeth about Joe.

We all sat down at our table. "Annabeth, I need to tell you something-"

"First," she announced. "I have news. Nico, Thalia, and Reyna will be coming to Goode next week."

My jaw dropped. "Uh... what?"

"Nico?" Jason asked. "Reyna?"

"Reyna plus school? Plus mortals? Plus... near me?" Leo asked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "C'mon guys, stop being so harsh. It's better than Octavian."

Suddenly a voice came from behind me.

"Excuse you."

Oh no.

"OCTAVIAN?" We all said together, turning around. He was wearing jeans and a Build-A-Bear Workshop T-shirt. Strapped on his belt, he has a dagger and an assortment of teddy bears.

"Yep, it is I." Octavian said, and looked up at the ceiling like something important.

"Ah. It's you." Leo said.

"Here to incite drama among the mortals..." I muttered.

"Be nicer, Jackson." Octavian said.

"No can do, Doc Oct," I shrugged. "You sort of started a war between the Romans and Greeks."

Octavian's voice came out as a hamster squeak. "I, uh... was doing what I thought was right."

"You, uh, were doing what was best for you." Piper spoke up.

"Silence!" Octavian demanded. "I must know the outcome of this year."

He pulled a tie dye teddy bear from his belt, and put it on the table. He started muttering in Latin, and then brought up a knife, and skewered the poor thing violently. I'm not sure what the mortals saw, but it must've been something based off the stares and laughs we were getting. He ripped the thing open, and laid the stuffing out over the table, messing up everybody's food. "Huh. Isn't that something." He voiced. "It'll be a good year."

"How can you tell that?" I asked. "All I see is a helpless slaughtered stuffed animal."

Octavian shot me a glare, before gathering the stuffing up in his arms. "That's how you know you don't have the gift of prophecy!" He then marched off with an armful of stuffing. We all looked at each other uneasily.


It was at that moment when I noticed the silence in the cafeteria. Leo continued moaning and wailing.

I then stood up on the table. "Nothing to see here!" I said, snapping my fingers. The mortals blinked, before turning back to their food and conversation like zombies.

I looked around and scrambled off the table. Leo then waved his hand and said, "these are not the droids you're looking for, move along!" in his best Star Wars accent before going "Bum! Bum! Bum ba da dum! Dum!" In the Star Wars theme song.

"Ah, shut it, flame boy," I muttered. I tried to process what was happening. Octavian? Hades no! "You're kidding me, right Zeus?" I said to the sky. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"This is our punishment for beating Jason in capture the flag," Annabeth said.

"Percy!" Came a voice from behind me. Oh, just great.

I turned my hands to the sky. "ZEUS, WHY?!"

"Hey Percy!" Veronica said in a sickly sweet voice. "So, I was thinkingg-"

"Stop thinking," Annabeth slime up. "Percy and I have been together for a year."

"Percy prefers strong women," Leo spoke up in some Lawyer type voice, shaping the vowels in all of his words. "That can, per say, survive the likes of Tartarus. An intelligent woman to keep him straight, a brave fighter to keep him safe, and most importantly... an independent woman who isn't as clingy, and relies less on makeup and nail polish."

Snickers broke out from the group. "Um, excuse me? Sorry to break it to you, but who are you again?"

"Leo Valdez," Leo leaned back, folding his arms over his head. "And sweetheart, don't lie. Everybody's been talkin' about me lately." He wriggled his eyebrows.

Veronica scowled. "Whatever." She said before turning and walking off, her minions following.

"HEY EVERYBODY!" Suddenly somebody stood up on a table. He was wearing a green snapback with a matching green Foxx sleeveless shirt and joggers, with blue and red hightops on. Hanging from his arm was a skateboard. "PARTAY AT MY PLACE TUHNIGHT!" He slurred. "EVERYBODAYS INVITED! BRING ALL YOUR FRIENDS. WE GET LIT!"

Leo and I snapped our heads to Annabeth. "Please?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No."

"But annabethhhhh," we said together, dragging out the syllables. I gave her my best puppy dog face.

Annabeth rolled her eyes again. "Percy. Mortal parties are bad news."

"Annabeth, we survived Tartarus," I said. "And you're afraid of a house party?"

"Um, yes," Annabeth said.

Leo and I both started begging her.

"Fine," she sighed. "But only for a little while."

Everybody said 'yes' and Leo and I fist bumped.

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