XIV- Dreams

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That Veronica girl pissed me off. Pissed. Me. Off.

She basically told me, Percy's girlfriend, to back off of Percy because he was hers. How messed up is that? And then, when I told her she was crazy, she shoved me in the pool. PROVING MY POINT SHE'S CRAZY! And she did the same to Piper! It would've ruined my clothes had Percy not been there.

Mortals are sooooo messed up.

It's literally been a week and so much has happened already.

I sat in the passengers seat of Percy's car as we headed back home.

"I have a swim meet soon," Percy said, breaking the silence.

"Oh," I managed. "Uh, after school?"

"Yeah, I've been on the swim team since freshmen year," Percy laughed. "I'm kind of the captain this year."

I stared at him. "Percy that's amazing. Well- sort of unfair, but."

"I've been captain every year," Percy winked at me. "The only one who can go 4 laps with only one breath."

I stifled a laugh. "Cheater."

"Hey," Percy shrugged. "I've gotten a lot of scholarship offers. Our team won the 4A state championship last year. I won first in free and breast stroke, and 1st in the 800 IM."

I laughed. "Do you swim every stroke?"

"Yeah, and relays," Percy laughed. "Nobody really competes with me. Ever. I've set school records without breaking a sweat."

"You should go to the Olympics," I told him. "Now that would be cool."

Percy smiled. He smiled all the time, but I never got tired of seeing it. The way his eyes squinted, and the way he always grins more to the left than to the right. I couldn't help but think it was the best thing I'd ever seen in my life.

"I thought about it," he admitted. "It just seems so... impossible. With everything going on around me."

"Forget all of it," I decided. "It's your life. Make the best of it."

"People depends on me, Annabeth," Percy said.

"You've saved the world many times, Percy," I reminded him. "People can learn to wait. You can help them develop patience."

Percy looked ahead into the darkness. Suddenly there was a huge smashing sound and in a split second the car screeched and skidded, and Percy and I were slammed into the guard rail on the other side of the road.

Air bags burst open, and a message from Hephaestus flickered on. I didn't have time to listen, though. Another car sped around the corner, and before they could stop, slammed into us head on.

My head slammed against the seatback painfully, however nothing seemed to be damage, just jarred. Not even the car seemed messed up. I turned to Percy. "You okay?"

"The mortals." He unbuckled his seatbelt quickly and threw open the door. He ran to the other car, which was sprawled in the middle of the road sideways, toppled over. They must've taken a hard hit from that celestial bronze. The whole front of the car was smashed and now compacted. I followed Percy's lead and unbuckled my seatbelt.

I jumped out of the car, and my hair rose on end, as goosebumps dotted my arms.

"Percy?" I called out quietly. Percy had made his way to the car, but it was on its side.

"Hello?" He yelled. "Anybody there? You okay?"

"Here," a shaky voice said. "Ah, my leg, my leg is cut, my- what- what's happened- I saw- what-"

The guy continued shuddering. I turned to Percy. "Call the cops. We have to get him to safety."

"My- my girlfriend," called the guy. "I- I..."

There was silence.

"I'm here," another voice finally called out. A surge of relief overtook me.

"Was anybody else in the car with you?" I asked.

"No, no," said the guy.

"Okay, we're calling 9-1-1," I told him. "Stay calm and still."

I turned and walked back to Percy's car, which, as expected, didn't have a scratch. Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine.


A sharp blow to my side slammed me across the lane of the street into the cars belly, causing  the mortals car to dent even more. My head hit the metal piping, and the heat of the engine seared my arm. I quickly jumped out.

"Percy!" I yelled, but he was already on on. He'd uncapped Riptide, and jumped to my defense. I quickly recovered, and pulled out my knife, my head still spinning, and my arm on fire.

"Show yourself!" He yelled into the darkness.

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