Serious Business

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"Look at those tattoos, how trashy."

"Who hired her? Did they pick her off the side of the road?"

"Look at that outfit! Did she get it at goodwill?"

Oh lord, do these bitches think they are really whispering?

Why? Why must females feel the need to tear each other down?

Do you ever see guys do this constantly? They give zero fucks about what brands they are wearing. They find a cheap pair of shoes at Walmart and wear them until they are falling apart. A shirt? Whatever fits them.

Here I stand, going over paperwork about six feet away, as these three 'whispered' their thoughts about me.

"You know if you ladies, and I'm using that term lightly, spend as much effort working as you do insulting me you might get ahead in your work." I say loud enough to get their attention but not the customers.

"First off, you don't belong here." One said.

"Oh spare me your boring list. If anything you don't belong here if you're not serious about working. Have you ever stopped to think about why you are still in your current position and haven't been promoted to shift manager?" I pointed out, letting the jealous girls stew on that for a minute.

It's really true, Eve could have promoted any of these three girls to shift manager and hired a new floor sales person.

"Get back to work." I said before turning around and seeing Eve standing there, no wonder they went quiet.

"Ms. Peters, good morning." The brunette said, putting on a fake smile.

"You know, Ms. Bronswick is correct. I pay you to work, not to gossip about where I might have pulled her from. Also, if you want to talk about trashy, at least she doesn't have a tramp stamp like a certain ex stripper named Candy." Eve said, looking at the three. Oh, I wonder which one that is.

She turned around to walk back to her office ,after telling me to follow her.  Shutting her office door I noticed her shoulders shaking, is this bitch laughing?

"Oh god, their faces were priceless. I've been sitting on that one for awhile, just waiting to use it. They are going to be questioning each other for a week about that. For the record, I made that up." She said, busting out laughing like a hyena, and I halfway joined her. I was still mostly annoyed at the fact I have to work with those teenage acting women.

"They really shouldn't talk shit when the bosses door is open. But, I've always been telling you that you need to update your wardrobe." She said with a smile.

"You don't have to smile, no one else is around. So brief me on these three, leave out the bs." I said, seriously wanting to know what I am up against.

Her smile dropped and she sighed. "Marianna is the blonde snarky short woman with the know-it-all attitude. Carrie is the dark haired woman who is a walking stick figure that only functions around fashion and not much use with anything else. The redheaded beast is Lauren, sometimes snarky sometimes quiet, watch out for her. All three were trying for management position, after driving off the last manager. I know you can hold your own, but if they get too bad tell me." She said, banging her head on the desk after.

"So why keep them? They sound horrible." I asked the stupidly simple question.

"They are good at what they do when they actually try. That's where you come in, I need someone to whip them into shape. Donna was a push over and they tormented her." She answered.

Great, I get to babysit some brats and teach them how to work.

"Go over the order forms and do some inventory, one of them does not know how to count. We'll talk later, I have some calls to make." Eve said, basically dismissing me.

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