18. The VIth Element Series (Book 1 and 2)

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Author:  Adele Rose


Awakening  (Book 1)

'One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a much greater chance of succeeding...providing that no-one succumbs to evil.' Alex's Checklist: Being targeted by a 'tangoed' psychopath: CHECK Having a relationship life that currently sucks: CHECKExperiencing an Awakening: CHECK. Wait...what? Before Alexandra Raven's 'AWAKENING', her life could be summed up in one word - repetitive. Then, boom. In a pivotal moment, Alex finds out that she can control the element of water - something that she once thought was fictional and can't believe her luck. However, is this gift a blessing or a curse? Alex is required to leave her old life behind, including her family and David - the boy who promised to stick by her no matter what. What's more, danger lurks in another dimension. This danger can only be destroyed through loyalty, perseverance and friendship and will turn Alex's life, in more ways than one, upside down... DIVE INTO A WORLD FULL OF FRIENDSHIP, DANGER, LOVE AND BETRAYAL...

Possession (Book 2)

There are three things about me that you should know by now. The first...that I prefer to be called Alex. The second...that I can control the element of water. The third...that I have nearly committed manslaughter...twice. Go me! Since becoming a full-time student at Vladimir's academy for gifted students - students who aren't necessarily gifted in terms of academia (although most of them do have a brain) Alex has had a lot to cope with. This long list includes boys, bullies and beasts. Now, on top of these reoccurring problems, Alex is about to encounter even more drama. Her enemy has a deadly advantage. It is an advantage that will spell disastrous consequences for all. It is an advantage that will consume Alex whole. It is an advantage that will involve a particular power - the power of POSSESSION...

Interview :

Q. How did you come up with the idea for Awakening?

A. The inspiration for Awakening and thus, The VIth Element series, was actually devised due to my various daydreams about the kind of superpowers I would like to possess. Currently, I would like to possess the ability to control all the elements (I know that's greedy but it's the truth) and this fantasy is relieved through the character of Alexandra a.k.a. Alex Raven. I am also a (super)fan of superhero movies and, although I haven't really got a favourite superhero or movie, Iron Man is a pretty close contender!

Q. Are you a story plotter or panster?

A. To be honest, it depends on the context of the story. The VIth Element series, I started out writing Awakening just to see what direction it would take. I knew I wanted to write a book about a character who inherited the power to control the element of water. As the story progressed, more ideas about where to take it, as well as the background to the other characters e.g. Hecate and the history behind the academy, gradually came to me. These ideas often come to me at inappropriate moments, including when I might be travelling by bus or when I'm trying to get to sleep! From that moment onwards, I jotted down these crucial plot points, in order to make sure that they could be weaved into the rest of the series. 

Q. Who and what is Alexandra Raven to you?

A. I really like this question, purely because of the depth it contains. First and foremost, Alexandra Raven is me. Both in appearance and personality, we are the same. We both have long, brown hair, pale skin, and sea-coloured eyes, we both very much like the same things e.g. musicals and her ambitions are similar to mine too. I mean, she wants to be a famous writer! As a fellow aspiring author, who wouldn't want that? On a deeper level though, Alex encapsulates the teenage journey that many, including myself, experience during their lives. This includes inner romantic conflicts, friendships, bullies and identity issues. Honestly, I wasn't nearly as much of a rebel as Alex becomes. I much preferred to keep myself to myself and spend most of my schooling life hidden away in the library. However, her strength of will, determination, love, and loyalty are aspects that I have developed as I have got older and now, well...let's just say I'm more than happy to stand up for myself or kick some serious butt should the situation arise!

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