Chapter 1. The Almost Kiss :0

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-Austin's P.OV.-

I cant stop thinking about her.. and what happened last night..

I actually thought that she might kiss me... Ugh -sighs-

When will these feelings go away!?!?!?!

She's my bestfriend. I can't be in love with her.. or am I?

Ugh austin stop talking to yourself.

Shit.. did it again -_- I wonder... how she feels about it...

-Becky's P.O.V.-

I wonder.. if we would've kissed if I hadn't pulled away

Gaud becky you're so stupid -facepalm- Am I really talking to myself..

-flashback of last night-

Austin and I were up on the stage as the crowd was going wild

I even saw a sign that said Becstin. -smiles-

Then I remember what I was supposed to do

I grab the microphone, as Austin walks over to me.

I glance at Austin then back at the crowd as I get ready to give my romancy speech.

Austin looks at me and asks "Do you like new villa?"

I look at him and say my favorite line from it as I put my hand on his face getting closer and closer as I hear the crowd cheer

Then he says, "they kiss?"

I say No and turn around, But I saw that he looked a little disappointed.

I was in between shock and surprised.

Later on we hung out backstage and took a selfie which he posted in instagram.

I thought we looked kinda cute...

-flashback ends-

-I shake my head trying to forget the memory-

Ughhhhhhhhhhh why cant I get it out of my head!!!

I pull my phone on and go on my instagram. and look at the comments of the picture he posted.

I smiled at the ones saying how cute we are and that we should date

Some werent really nice, like making fun of my tooth gap and how ugly I was... it made me sad..

No one knows this but I have a bad case of depression.. Yeah I cut and stuff..

but I've been trying to stop so no one will notice... especially Austin.

I dont want to worry him or bug him..

I lay on my bed, and finally after 1000 minutes I fall asleep

and dream of him..NOTHINH DIRTY THO!!!






-Sorry on how short it is, my first time writing
(: tell me what you think! -

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