Chapter 39

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Sonia walked out of the airport gates with a suitcase and bag in one hand and a bubble tea in another. She was busy sipping the cool beverage and thus didn't see Tara rushing towards her.

"Hey!" Her friend's loud voice made her look up with surprise.

"Hi!" She said as Tara hugged her before taking her suitcase. "What are you doing here?"

"I am picking up my friend, that's what I am doing. How was your vacay?" Tara asked excitedly and Sonia nodded.

"It was good." She smiled as they walked. "I really needed that."

"See? I knew it. Are you feeling better?" Tara asked and they reached the car. Sonia nodded and Tara put her luggage in the backseat and they sat in.

"How's everything going?" Sonia asked as they started moving.

"Great. We got a few more workers, the new architect brought them with her." Tara informed and Sonia nodded.

"Yeah, she called me two days ago." Sonia said with a shrug.

"Also, the workshop owner called to tell that our order of the wood planks and panels is ready." Tara said.

"Yup, he called yesterday to inform me." Sonia nodded and Tara looked at her.

"And the machines will be here in three weeks." Tara said and Sonia frowned.

"Three? He said four? I just talked to them yesterday and they didn't say anything about a week early! Why are they sending it a week early?" Sonia said and took out her phone, only to have Tara snatch it from her hands.

"Are you serious? Did you go on a holiday or were you working from hometown? Why do you know everything that's going on here? You should not know because you should have been relaxing!" Tara exclaimed angrily and Sonia struggled to answer.

"I did...relax...a lot...I slept a lot and...I also worked a lot...I mean, just a bit. Just a little bit!" Sonia mumbled and sipped her tea as Tara glared at her. "Stop staring at me and focus on the road!"

"Hmph!" Tara huffed and kept driving.

After a thirty-five-minute silent ride and a one hour stop at the apartment, where Tara put Sonia's luggage as her friend quickly showered and changed, they were finally back at the construction site.

"Oh, it's good to be back!" Sonia said to herself as she walked inside the gates and greeted all the workers. It was just going to be lunch time in ten minutes and Tara was already fuming.

"We could have come an hour later, I really wanted to take a nap!" Tara grumbled and Sonia laughed as she opened the office cabin's door.

"You can come later if you want, I am going to stay and look over some pending work." She said and sat down in her seat.

"Really? Thanks!" Tara said with a grin. "Normally I wouldn't leave you but I woke up at four-thirty am today, I really need-

"It's okay, go." Sonia chuckled as Tara gathered her bag and phone.

"I'll order a pizza for you as a-

"It's fine, you don't need-

"I know I don't need to, but I have to feed you. !" Tara sang and shrugged before laughing and walking out of the cabin.

Sonia grinned as her friend left. Oh how she missed her goofy girl friend and her antics! She shook her head with a soft smile before starting to look into a few files. Five minutes later, her phone pinged with a message.

Message from Drago

Sonia gulped slightly as sweat beads formed on her temple all of a sudden. Taking a deep breath, she mumbled to herself, "It's fine, you are going to be fine. Act natural!"

She nodded to herself before looking at the message.

You are back, right?

She frowned before typing.

How did you know?

She wondered as his reply came.

I just know. Where are you right now?

Can we meet?

Or if you are too tired we can meet tomorrow.

Sonia bit her lip in confusion as she read the texts.

"Why does he want to meet me so badly?" She thought. "Should I say yes? If I say no, would it be weird later?"

Shaking her head, she quickly typed.

We can meet now; I am at the site.

His reply came instantly.

I am on my way.

She put her phone away, wondering at his sudden eagerness to meet her, whether it was in his call a few days ago or now, in his messages.

In less than ten minutes, there was a harsh, impatient knock on her door and she yelled a come in. Drago peeped inside before opening the door fully and walked in.

"Hi." She stood up, surprised at his speed.

"Hey." He said and they sat down.

"Is everything okay, I mean, you wanted to meet me?" She asked and he nodded, before taking out a piece of folded paper from his jacket.

"I just wanted to ask you...about this." He said and put the paper in front of her.

"What's this?" She asked and took it to open. As she unfolded the paper and read its contents, her expression changed from confusion to shock to neutral in ten seconds. "What is this?"

"It's just some...information about you." Drago said and cleared his throat before continuing. "Why didn't you...why do you use another name?"

"Why do you have this?" Sonia asked in a calm tone. Too calm.

"It's not mine. Gina got it-

"Your girlfriend investigated me?" Sonia asked, her temper rising slowly.

"She is not my girlfriend and she was just worried about me-

"Worried about you?" She exclaimed with sudden rage at this violation of her private life and stood up angrily. "Worried about what exactly? I don't remember meeting her, ever, that she may have felt the need to protect you from me! I give some serial killer vibe or what?"

"No, of course not!" Drago said and stood up. "Why are you getting so angry?"

"Seriously?" Sonia scoffed and shook her head. "Your girlfriend hired someone to gather personal information about me, information which I like to keep confidential due to whatever reason I please and you are asking me why am I getting angry?"


"It's Alessandra, you should as well use this information now!" She almost shouted but tried to keep her voice low. "You know what, you should leave."

"Listen to me, I didn't mean to-

"You listen, leave right now or I will sue you and your girlfriend for invasion of privacy with this as evidence!" Sonia said angrily, showing him the paper which held her information.

"Sonia, please-

"I can't believe you! Just leave, please, I have a lot of work to do, I have a thousand emails to check, I have a wedding to plan, I don't need...this! Please leave!" Sonia said and walked to the door and opened it.

"What?" Drago whispered and his throat went dry. ""


I do not own the picture. Credit goes to owner.

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