Chapter Thirteen

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The door creaked open causing the students in the room to look at Dorian, who entered the class twenty minutes late. When Adeline saw him she felt immediately concerned. Normally, he was early and certainly didn't look like he got hit by a bus. He took his seat next to Adeline and stared straight forward. Her blue eyes roamed his figure and took in his appearance. His hair was sticking up in different spots, his eyes were bloodshot, and his clothes were wrinkled in many places.

"Dorian?" Adeline whispered to him softly. Dorian didn't look or say anything at her and continued to look forward.

Adeline shifted in her seat and kicked him lightly,"Dorian, are you okay?" Again, he ignored her. She began to feel irritated with the boy and was about to kick him harder, but was interrupted by her teacher.

"Ms. Hart, can you repeat what I just said?" Mr. Connor, the algebra teacher, said.

She looked at him nervously and replied,"Ms. Hart, can you repeat what I just said?" Which earned a couple laughs and grins throughout the classroom. Mr. Connor shook his head and continued on with the lesson. Adeline grinned and took out her binder.

After a long period, Adeline tried to keep up with Dorian who was walking faster than her.

"Slow down, I got short legs!" She yelled as she reached him.

Dorian didn't even acknowledge her presence. They reached his locker and she kept trying to get an answer out of him. "Dorian, are you okay? I'm just worried about your--"

"ADELINE!" He shouted,"I'm fine! I  don't fucking need you annoying me right now so leave me alone." Everyone in the hall stopped what they were doing and stared at the pair. Especially at Adeline, who was turning red. Dorian slammed him locker shut and stomped away.

Adeline blinked back a couple tears and walked away with her head down. She passed by Sweet Pea, who immediately noticed her tears.

"What the-- Adeline? Adeline, what happened?" He asked her frantically. She only sniffed and walked to second period, leaving him with many questions.

"Was she just crying?" Fangs asked with a protective tone.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna find out who made her cry." Sweet Pea said angrily. No one messes with my angel. He thought and walked to his next class.

《   》

It was the end of the day and by then, everyone knew what had happened between Adeline and Dorian. When Sweet Pea found out, he felt murderous. He was about to walk out of class to find Dorian and beat him to a pulp. But first, he had to make sure his angel was okay. So, he followed her out of last period and pulled her into an empty classroom.

"Adeline, you've ignored me in the last two periods. I just wanna know if you're feeling okay." Sweet Pea said softly. When he finished saying that, tears began to blur Adeline's vision.

"Am I annoying to you?" She asked sadly. She looked up at him with her blue eyes filled with tears and Sweet Pea felt his rage go down.

"What? No, no." He reassured her.

"Dorian said I was annoying." She mumbled.

"Well, Dorian's an asshole and needs a beating." The tall boy grumbled. "Don't listen to him. You're amazing in so many different ways and you're definitely not annoying."

Adeline smiled up at him,"Thanks, Sweet Pea." She then wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug. Sweet Pea sighed in content and hugged her back tighter.

"Anytime." He smiled back and began to lead her out of the classroom. He opened the door and jokingly said,"Maybe a little annoying at times." Adeline smirked and hit his stomach.

"Adelineee.." Sweet Pea groaned.

"Stop being a big baby and let's go to the Wyrm."

The two stared at each other then began to race to Sweet Pea's bike.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the Whyte Wyrm with big smiles on their faces. The moment they entered the bar, Adeline went to her father and Fangs and the rest ran up to Sweet Pea.

"So, do we get to kill Dorian?" Fangs asked in anticipation.

"We need to find out where he lives." Jughead said with determination.

"Where who lives?" Danny asked coming up to them.

"Dorian Wilson." Toni replied.

"Wilson?" He grumbled to himself.

"It's fine--"

Danny cut Toni off,"I know exactly who he is." The younger Serpents started to look interested.

"Who is he?" Sweet Pea asked.

The older Serpent looked at him with a dangerous glint in his eyes,"The boy is a damn Ghoulie." The four teenagers fell back in silence, all of them filling up with rage.

"He's dangerous," he continued,"He's the half brother of Malachai and I heard he hasn't been the same since his mother died."

"How do you know all this?" Jughead questioned.

"It was the talk in the southside for days. Everyone knew what had happened in his family."

"What are you guys talking about?" Adeline asked, coming back from her father.

"Dorian. Adeline, he's a Ghoulie and something happened to him when he was younger." Jughead replied.

Sweet Pea laced his fingers with Adeline's hand and felt sparks. All he wanted to do was keep her safe. And keep her away from Dorian.

"When he was younger, there had been a lot of problems between his parents, Tristan and Marie. And one day Tritan saw Marie shacking up with some other dude. He soon found out that they've been doing that since Dorian was born. Then Marie told him that Dorian wasn't his child and that the man she's been seeing was his real father. That caused Tristan to lose his shit. Like really lose his shit, finding out that the woman you love has been cheating on you for years made him do something really terrible."

"What did he do?" Adeline asked softly. She her bottom lip and played with Sweet Pea's hand.

Danny look at her sadly and replied,"Tristan murdered Marie and her lover right when Dorian walked in."

《   》

this chapter is poorly written so I'm sorry!

so now we know a little bit about Dorian and his past.

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