Chapter Twenty-Two

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Adeline sat near the hospital bed holding her fathers hand, she had already been checked out of her room and only felt sore when she moved too much. Now, she was waiting for Will to wake up.

A tear escaped from her eye falling onto the bed,"Wake up, dad. I really miss you." She sniffed. She laid her head down and slowly drifted to sleep, but her head shot up as she felt a light squeeze to her hand. She gazed at her dad who remained unmoving but tears still filled her eyes as she smiled.

He was going to be okay.

A knock was heard at the door and Sweet Pea's head popped out from behind. He gestured for her to follow him where the rest of their friends were waiting. And soon as they were out, she excitedly announced that her dad just squeezed her hand.

"That's great, Addy!" Veronica exclaimed before she looked down and cleared her throat. She then looked at Adeline with a glint of sadness in her dark eyes.

"What's wrong, Veronica?"

Veronica gave a look to the other teens before answering,"We wanted to know how you're feeling." She grasped Adeline's hand in her own and continued,"You just haven't talked about what happened with... Dorian."

Suddenly, Adeline felt her palms become sweaty and her heart beat become erratic. Hearing his name gave her flashbacks of what happened to her and her dad. And since leaving that place, she tried so hard to push it into the back of her mind. But it failed, coming back to her every night and each time she closed her eyes. She hadn't had a good nights rest or eaten properly. Bags were evident under her eyes and Sweet Pea noticed how she seemed to be eating less and less with every meal.

In all honesty, she just felt so tired. She wanted to sleep and never wake up. She wanted all the nightmares to go away. She wanted the feeling of having to look over her shoulder every second to stop.

She was drifted out of her thoughts when a hand waved in front of her face,"Angel?" Sweet Pea cupped her cheek and wiped the tears that she didn't know had fallen.

She let out a shaky breath,"I'm fine." She gave them all a fake smile, but she knew it didn't work. She knew she wasn't fine and she didn't know how long she could keep up with acting like she was.

"Addy, we know that you're not–"

"Veronica, please. Not now." Adeline's bottom lip quivered. "I just want to go home and take a nice nap."

Kevin cleared his throat,"Er, why don't we have a movie night? Just to take our minds off about things for a while?" Adeline thought about this for a moment. She could either go home and take a nice shower then cry herself to sleep, or hopefully force them to watch movies she liked. She nodded, deciding with her second choice.

Kevin gasped loudly,"Okay! I know so many rom-coms–"

"I think we should let Addy pick." Fangs cut Kevin off. He wanted her to pick in hopes that she'll choose Marvel or the Harry Potter series. Once he looked into her eyes and noticed a glint in them, he smirked. They were going to make them sit and watch all the movies they loved.

Once they all made a plan on who were going to do what, they went their separate ways before meeting at the Hart Residence. Sweet Pea called El to let her know of the teens plan and she agreed, knowing that Adeline really needed it.

"El's at the hospital with your dad." Sweet Pea told her softly as he opened the door for her. The couple entered the home and after Adeline told him what to do, he began to set up in the living room. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left to take a shower.

Sweet Pea shrugged off his jacket and set it on the couch arm. He slowly looked over the photos that was mounted on the walls and became interested in the one next to the tv. It showed Will holding a camera with a woman clinging onto his arm with bright smiles on their faces. In the back, a small girl was chasing after her big brother with sand in her hand.

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