Chapter Sixteen

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Taking one last look at each other, Sweet Pea and Adeline bounded their way down the steps. Both of them feeling giddy inside.

"So, what took you guys so long?" Fangs said and winked at the new couple.

"Uh- uh, we were just.." Sweet Pea sputtered, not having the right words to say.

"Sweet Pea asked me out!" Adeline blurted out.

The room suddenly became quiet and all looked at Will, waiting to see his reaction. He noticed all eyes on him and cleared his throat. He motioned for Sweet Pea to follow him outside, along with Fp. Once they shut the door, El and Toni both looked at Adeline and started grinning.

"You'll be safe right?" El asked, still grinning. Adeline, not knowing what kind of safe she meant, blushed madly and looked at her friends for help. They all just watched her and laughed. El let out a barking laugh and told her she was just kidding. This made Adeline sigh out in relief.

A couple more minutes went by and the guys came back inside. She eyed them nervously, but Sweet Pea just clapped his hands together and announced that they were ready. Will nodded his head and gave his daughter a hug before letting them go.

"For the love of God, please stay safe," Elliana said in warily tone with Will by her side. He grabbed her hand and rubbed her knuckles soothingly. Adeline noticed that gesture and smiled to herself. She was happy for the both of them that they finally getting happiness.

She grabbed El and pulled her into a hug, telling her that everything will be fine. She then pulled her dad into one asked,"You and Fp didn't go too hard on him right?" Will chuckled and shook his said no. She let go and grabbed Sweet Pea's hand leading him and the others out the door.

"What did they say?" Adeline asked her boyfriend.

Sweet Pea covered her mouth,"Shhh, let's not speak of that." She only laughed and pushed his hand away. They reached the truck and he opened the passenger door.

"My lady," He bowed and grinned up at her.


《   》

Adeline concentrated, taking her aim and closing one eye. She only heard her own breathing as silence surrounded her. Shet let out one last breath and shot a fry into Fangs mouth.

"YES!" She yelled in triumph and threw her hands in the air.

Toni, Jughead, and Sweet Pea clapped their hands at the excited girl, who then started to do a little dance with Fangs. They gave each other high-five and went back to eating.

Sweet Pea threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his side. "That was amazing." He grinned at her.

"Thank yo-" Adeline was cut off by the voice of Veronica Lodge, who was followed by Archie, Betty, and Kevin.

"Addy! We just heard what happened!" Her heels clicked on the tiled floor as she came over to the group. Adeline came out from the booth and let herself be engulfed by Veronica and Betty. When she let them go, Archie and Kevin wrapped her up in their arms, almost suffocating her.

"Guys, I can't breathe." Adeline said stiffly. The two boys quickly let go and apologized. She just smiled at their antics.

Betty grabbed her hand,"Are you feeling okay, Addy?" She asked. The smaller girl nodded and sat back down in the booth. She then began to explain everything. From the texts, to the man, and her bedroom disaster. Everyone there looked at her horrified.

"Adeline, what the hell!" Jughead exclaimed.

Sweet Pea glared at him through his dark bangs,"Watch yourself, Jones." He threatened.

Jughead only ignored him,"Addy, why didn't you tell the Sheriff that? Or your dad?" He asked her softly.

Adeline grabbed Sweet Pea's hand on top of the table, the movement being followed by the four who just came in.

Finally! Kevin thought in his head.

The blue eyed girl felt her throat tighten up and said in a small voice,"He was gonna do something if I told. I also didn't want to worry anyone. It seems like everyone has a lot on their plate nowadays."

Sweet Pea felt his heart break a little at his girlfriend. All he could do now, was comfort her to the best of his ability until they find the person responsible. He gripped her hand tight and brought it to his lips.

"All of us here, we all love and care for you. And nothing will stop us from finding that monster and bringing him to justice." Toni said and grabbed squeezed Adeline's free hand.

Adeline felt her eyes prickle with tears as she looked at Sweet Pea. "Thank you," she said to him and looked at the others with a tear rolling down her face,"All of you."

《   》

sorry for the long wait !
i hoped you guys liked this !
there's probably a lot of mistakes xx

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