Chapter Twenty-Five

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Adeline groaned as she woke up from her deep slumber. She stretched her limbs and suddenly remembered that she was naked. She blushed and wrapped the blanket around her exposed body. She looked over at the spot where she thought Sweet Pea was. His side was empty and his clothing was gone.

Did he leave me? The girl thought and frowned when she got up to get ready. She took a quick shower and grabbed one of her lover's old shirts that was in her room to wear. She quickly slipped on her undergarments and pulled on her cotton shorts. Once she opened her bedroom door, she was hit with the smell of breakfast. She could smell bacon and eggs being cooked, while hearing music playing softly in the background. She reached the kitchen and saw her boyfriend over the stove. And he was shirtless. Her mind immediately brought her to last night's events and a grin made its way onto her face. He wore gray sweatpants, which he had left in her room before, that made his ass look really nice. She made her way over and hugged him from behind.

"Thank you." She said quietly. He looked down and smiled.

"For what?"

"Not leaving me." He was shocked for a second after she had told him.

"I would never leave you, Angel." He reassured and turned to kiss her forehead. "Waffles are already made and I put our clothes in the washer." Adeline's grin grew wider at Sweet Pea's words.

"Well, I'm getting special treatment today." She said and sat down to grab a waffle. When Sweet Pea was done cooking the bacon and eggs, he brought it over and put them on a plate.

"Anything for you." He smirked and began eating.

As soon as they finished breakfast, they made their way back upstairs and into Adeline's room. They laid on top of the bed and nuzzled into each other. All they could hear right now was their breathing and the chirps of the birds from outside. The boy closed his eyes in content as he lovingly stroked his girlfriend's head.

"Addy?" The girl hummed in response to him. "I- I think I wanna marry you." He stuttered.

It was quiet for a moment before she replied,"You think?" She was only teasing him, but the boy couldn't see her the smirk that she wore.

"No, I want to." He said more confidently. "I know that we're still young, but I know that I'm in love with you and that's never going to change. I wanna be by your side whenever you're feeling upset or happy. I wanna give you everything in the world because you deserve it. And I don't care if you decide you wanna get married at forty because I will always wait for you. Or if you get married to someone else. I will be perfectly fine with that. It's always gonna be you." He let out a breath he didn't know was holding as he waited anxiously for her answer.

Adeline got up from his chest and held his face in her hands."Let's get this straight, I don't want anyone else, Sweet Pea. I'm with you 'til the end of the line. Always and forever." She pulled him close and softly kissed his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replied with a grin and kissed her deeply. He tugged her on onto his lap, wrapping his arms around waist. She moaned into his mouth and let go before they could get carried away again. He pouted when she pulled away.

"Let's nap." She hopefully suggested. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, but nonetheless agreed. He grabbed her back into his hold and the two got situated in each other's arms.

"And yes, I would marry you." Adeline mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

A few days after admitting that, they had to go back to school. Neither one of them were too happy about that. All they wanted to do is stay in bed and sleep. Adeline especially didn't want to go back because everyone in Riverdale knew what happened to her and she didn't want to draw any attention.

"It's okay, we'll be right by your side at all times." Toni soothed her. No matter what Toni said could calm her. The girl was sweating buckets and was on the verge of a panic attack.

"I can't do it." She whimpered. "They're all gonna stare at me and talk."

"And I will do everything in my power to make sure they don't lay an eye on you." Cheryl said with a smirk, her signature red lipstick painted on.

"We will also beat up anyone who says anything bad." Fangs added in and high-fived Sweet Pea. The tall boy kissed her and told her everything was going to be okay. She nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked his quickly on the lips.

Cheryl and Toni stood on either side of Adeline with Fangs and Sweet Pea standing behind them like bodyguards. The boys pushed the doors open for them and the hall filled with students almost immediately became silent.

"What are you staring at, peasants?!" Cheryl snarled at the everyone in the hall. They all averted their eyes quickly when the red headed girl went to make eye contact. When none of them said anything or stared, she held a triumphant smirk and beckoned for the others to continue on their way. The teens surrounding Adeline glared at anyone who tried to peek. The girl was amused, but thankful for her friends and boyfriend's actions.

Suddenly, Fangs and Sweet Pea were shouting at a boy, who looked like he was about to shit himself. The two assumed they heard him say something about Adeline and pushed him against the lockers.

"I-I was a-asking if anyone k-knew what t-the lunch was." The poor boy stuttered as he stared at the two Serpents in front of him. They two quickly realized he was telling the truth and released him from their grip. Fangs chuckled nervously and fixed the boys collar while Sweet Pea looked a bit embarrassed 

"Right, sorry." Sweet Pea grimaced as he apologized.

"I think it's burgers." Fangs whispered to him and patted him on the chest before the two sprinted back to Adeline.

The small girl rolled her eyes."I swear you two share the same brain cell."

"But you love us." Fangs stated.

"Unfortunately." She guided them into the common room where the rest of their friends were waiting.

"Hey, girl." Veronica waved and patted the seat next to her. Sweet Pea sat first and Adeline on his lap.

"You two are more touchy." Jughead pointed out as Archie gave him a look. That comment alone was all it took for the two to redden immensely. The girls plus Kevin gasped when they figured it out.

"Seems like Adeline lost her innocence." Betty smirked and took a sip of her coffee.

"Addy! You were supposed to be the pure one in the group."

"You make me sound like a nun." She replied to Veronica.

"Which you are not about to become, right?" Sweet Pea asked and smiled cheekily at her.

"Are you getting married?!" Fangs yelled. Adeline groaned and threw a book at the boy, who tried to dodge it but failed. "Ow!"

"Shut up, Fangs. And no, not yet at least."

"So, when? And can I plan it?" Cheryl said in excitement. Toni laughed and told her to calm down. She kissed her cheek and wrapped her arm around her.

"I was thinking after we graduate." Adeline muttered, looking at her hands. Her boyfriend gawked at her and tried to comprehend what she said.

"R-really?" The boy asked in disbelief. He didn't know that she wanted to get married that soon, but he didn't care because she was all he needed and he couldn't wait. She bit her lip and nodded at him. He shouted in delight and stood up to swing her around in a hug. The couple laughed as their friends cheered them on. Once he let her down, he peppered her face with kisses.

"You and I, always and forever?" Sweet Pea breathed and pressed his forehead against Adeline's. He held out his pinky which she gladly wrapped hers around.

"Always and forever." She leaned up and kissed him, cherishing the moment.

《   》

that's the last chapter and then the epilogue. i know it may seem rushed but i've had this book for two years and it's about time my lazy ass finished it.
i was waiting for the moment to add "always and forever" and i'm actually quite proud of this chapter tbh.
sorry for any mistakes !

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