Chapter 4

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I have been staring at the clock on my wall for exactly 2 hours and 34 minutes. It was almost three in the morning and my parents should be asleep.

Earlier today I decided to take the train to back to NewYork and spend the rest of my spring break in college.

Quietly I took my bag, opened the window and threw it as silently as possible on the rooftop of the garage in front of my window.

I could hear my dad snoring loudly from his room which was right across mine.

It was great seeing them again but I really didn't want to put up with this.

As I carefully climbed out and closed the window from the outside I found myself smiling.

The last time I skulked off like this I was sixteen and I wanted to go to this party in an old abandoned building. My mother explicitly forbid it because my grades weren't as good back then.

The garage isn't as high as it looks like I reminded myself as I glimpsed down.

I used to have track and field training every Monday and Thursday when till I turned 17. So jumping shouldn't be a problem, right?

First I kicked my bag off the roof and then I jumped.

Luckily I landed on my feet and as I straightened up I smiled to myself. My heart was beating fast and I felt the adrenaline running through my veins.

"Out and about to explore the world, Dora?" A deep voice behind me laughed.

Of course I knew who stood there but I thought he had left hours ago and would come back tomorrow morning to pick me up.

He leaned casually against the beige wall of the garage and stubbed a cigarette out behind himself.

"My dad will be pissed when he sees that" I ignored his question and pointed at the small scorch on the wall.

The street lamps' light reflected in his blue eyes and made them look like they were shining at me.

He pushed himself off the wall and with three steps he stood directly in front of me. I had to put my head back to look him in the face.

"Want one?" He asked and raised his right arm. I turned my head to see a small box of cigarettes in his hand.

It was dark outside, the only light came from the street lamp across the street and the stars.

The light drew long shadows on his face but I could still observe it perfectly. Clear skin, full lips and long eyelashes.

I shook my head and whispered "I don't really support smoking."

"Yeah, me neither" he smirked and nodded slowly.

I won't lie. He is really handsome and there definitely is a part to me that is attracted to him but I should really go now if I want to catch that train.

"Cool" I added and turned around to leave but he was quite fast.

In half a second he walked beside me and stared with curiosity down at me.

"Where are you headed?" He asked conversationally.

I raised my eyes and noticed a little scar on his jaw.

"NewYork" I announced and speeded up.

Why is he so fast?

I arrived the bus station and checked my watch. This bus is driving 24/7 and I had seven minutes left until he should arrive.

Hudson viewed me with a look I couldn't quite interpret. Curiosity, choler and a little confusion maybe?

"Your parents told me to take you to NewOrleans" he commented and leaned against the street lamp.

I smiled at him sweetly "But I'm not going and if you could just tell me what it takes to get rid of you I would be very thankful to you."

"You won't. It's my job to protect you and if that means we're going to NewYork we're going there" he shrugged and walked away.

What does he mean we?

Only a few seconds later the lights of a car turned on and then a black Lamborghini stopped noisily in front of me.

Hudson got out and opened the door for me.

"Hop in, Dora" he made a gesture to get inside.

I held my finger up and glared at him "First of all stop calling me Dora! And second of all there is no way I'm getting in that car. I don't even know you!"

An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"Close the door and put the seatbelt on when you get in" he sat behind the wheel.

He's not really expecting me to just get in now, is he?

Suddenly he started to honk like crazy. I gasped and threw my back carelessly is the car right before I got in myself.

As the lights started to turn on he hit the gas and we drove.

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