Chapter 6

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I woke up to Hudson ending a phone call with "I know. Will do."

"What time is it?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Hudson wore his black suit again and glared at his phone screen.

"You slept for five hours" he replied.

I nodded and walked over to the windows. The air was stuffy and my head hurt. As I pulled the curtains I caught sight of a well known car. A navy blue Mercedes was parked outside.

I remembered when my parents first got the car. They had a big discussion because my dad wanted a black black Chevrolet. Of course my mother won and we bought this ugly car.

"Whom did you just talk to?" I asked tense.

If he called my parents while I was asleep I will kill him.

His reflection in the more showed me that he made slow and quite steps towards me.

"Just my employer" Hudson explained.

My hands turned into fists and I had to endeavor to stay calm.

"And is that by any case my mother?"

I turned around to see him standing only a few inches away from me.

"Please don't freak out" he looked down at me.

So he did call my parents! I'm not a little girl who's been naughty in summer camp and has to be collected now.

"You lied to me" I hissed incensed.

My fingers hurt because I was putting more and more power in holding a fist to prevent crying.

Everyone around me is lying.

"I did not lie" he replied automatically.

Like a robot. Does he even have any emotions?

"Doesn't matter. You broke my trust" I whispered.

Why did I trust him? My parents had just told me that they weren't who they pretended to be and I decided to trust some stranger? I was a fool!

It's the eyes. Hudson has trusting eyes but he's just as sneaky and fake as my parents.

I wanted to pass him but he grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Where do you think you're going?" He raised his eyebrow.

I wanted to go anywhere. Just so I didn't have to face my parents now.

"Away" I glared at him and tried to break free from his grip.

But he was too strong. He quickly crouched down, put his arms around me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hudson! Let me down! NOW!" I screamed furious.

He just ignored me and carried me outside. The old lady from this morning looked up confused as Hudson and I passed by and I screamed like crazy.

When we arrived outside he finally put me down.

I was filled with rage so I only realized that I just slapped him across the face after I already did it.

My hand hurt afterwards but seeing my red handprint on his cheek satisfied me at least a little. Hudson on the other hand didn't find it pleasant at all.

He glared at me and I could see that he was holding back some really ugly words.

"I should have taught you how to throw a punch" my dads voice appeared behind me.

"You can't protect yourself by slapping someone" he sighed.

My mother glared at him and hurried up the stairs to hug me and then scream at me.

"Pandora Sienna Momsen! What the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled panically.

What was I thinking? What was she thinking when she decided to keep her true identity from me?

"I'm not going with some stranger to NewOrleans" I hissed.

She ignored me and turned to Hudson.

"Mr. Van Dijk, you work for me! Got that? For me not my daughter."

He didn't reply anything but I saw that he absolutely didn't like her tone.

My dad proposed that I go to my room while they talked.

And again I was being treated like a child.

When I opened the door I immediately noticed the car key to Hudson's Lamborghini. I knew that they went inside to talk so they wouldn't see me getting in the car.

There was no time to think about it so I just grabbed my bag and climbed out the window.

While running to the car I turned around quite often to see if they would come out.

It's been a while since I drove a car but I don't think that's something you could unlearn.

I sat inside and started the motor.

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