Chapter 17

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I looked on the clock for the fifth time in the past few minutes.

Almost an hour had passed since I had seen Hudson.

I protested but he cut me off by placing his finger on my mouth.

"I won't die" we're his last words. Then he winked at me and left me in the store with a brand new 7.500$ dress.

58 minutes.

Two more minutes and I was allowed to panic. He made me promise to keep calm for an hour and then drive back.

But when those two two minutes were over I could let my feelings take me over. Cry, scream, whatever.

In two minutes my promise would end; and my world probably, too.

While shaking and observing my sweaty hands I walked back and forth and the barista was already staring at me for quite a while.

Suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I stumbled.

As I looked up I met those blue eyes I accustomed to. I threw myself into his arms right away.

He hugged me back and I realized that he was wet. Slowly I let go of him to take a close look.

Hudson as covered in sweat as if he just ran 10 miles. His lip was ruptured and he had bloodstains on his shirt. A flat laceration covered his forearm and his ankles almost glowed reddish.

The customers around us gazed at him. He looked like he just fought wild wolves.

"I think we should go" he smiled widely, not caring about the people.

The urge to care for him and cleanse his wounds became stronger every second.

I wanted to know what happened but I couldn't ask him here so I let him bring me to the car.

He didn't bother breaking the silence as we drove and I didn't want to annoy him.

When we arrived he carried my bags upstairs and put them in my room.

I had a big discussion about whether he let me take care of him or not. In the end he gave in.

After getting a bag of frozen peas from the fridge I ander it to him and started cleaning the wound on his forearm.

"How do you know how to do that?" He gazed at me curiously.

I poured some disinfectant on it and smirked as I noticed him flinching.

"College. I study medicine" I looked up to see him staring at me with such an intense look.

The intimidating thing about looking each other straight in the eyes is they are looking back at you. Just like when it's raining and the water taps your face and you can't hide.

Your soul is just out there showing itself offering itself to the rain.

My cheeks started burning and I quickly turned away.

"Everything alright?" He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so I would face him again.

"What happened with those two women? Ray and Agent 12" I asked as if we were talking about the weather.

Hudson gave me a sweet smile "I did what I had to do to survive."

He killed them.

I know he had to do it. I know if they didn't die he would have. But still...

"But you are... ah, why aren't you- I mean -" I stumbled nervously.

He tilted his head and smiled wider.

"You mean why I don't feel guilty?" He interrupted me.

Yes. That's exactly what I wanted to ask.

"Don't get me wrong, I believe no one deserves to die but they were pretty close to that line. And I have been trained to not let my feelings take over when I torture or kill" he stated as I just finished fixing his laceration.

I turned his arm to see if I missed something of if he had any other injuries.

"Torture? You tortured people? Even women?" My voice was weak and my hands were lightly shaking.

I just couldn't imagine him torturing a woman- or anyone.

He pulled his arm away and got up.

"There are several ways to torture someone. And I have learned them all" he explained harshly as he put the peas back in the fridge.

He wanted to leave but I followed him upstairs.

"How? How can you torture someone?" I asked.

Hudson turned around in his doorframe and glared at me. He was mad; and maybe even hurt?

I shouldn't have asked him.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest "You want to know how I could torture a woman. If I would torture you if I had to."

With these words he slammed the door to his room behind him.

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