Chapter 32

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Hudson's POV:

Kiran's men brought us to one of his cells where Blue and I found Pandora earlier. We had been sitting here in silence for quite a while now. Half an hour maybe?

Pandora refused to talk to her parents and her parents did so, too. Blue just sat to me and whistled a familiar melody.

"So did you guys think about his offer yet?" Blue broke the silence as he looked at Mr. And Mrs. Momsen.

Kiran wanted Mrs. Momsen to stay with him. He promised to let us go if we left her there. It's not like he couldn't just keep her with him and let the rest of us go. He wanted us to make the decision and he wanted us to feel guilty about it.

"She won't stay here" Mr. Momsen hissed at him.

Blue got up and took out something from his pocket. He held it up to his face and grinned widely.

"You made your decision then. I guess we have to break out" he kneeled down and unlocked the door.

Why didn't he do this earlier?! God, I am going to kill him as soon as we get out of here!

The door opened and two men with guns ran inside. I quickly got up and helped Blue to take them down. The guard went for an uppercut but I dodged, took his gun and hit him with it on his head.

After they passed out we locked them inside and took their guns. Blue had two knives with him so I gave the other weapon to Mr. Momsen. I took Pandora's hand in mine and we started running.

Blue took over the vanguard with Mrs. Momsen while Mr. Momsen ran behind me and Pandora.

It's unbelievable that we had to flee by the same route we did earlier. Luckily there were no guards in our way to get out.

We ran towards the door and I was relieved to see it was still open because Blue shot it earlier. Outside extended a long road to the gate. We didn't make it out yet.

Suddenly dozens of guards came out of nowhere and pointed guns at us. I pushed Pandora behind me even though I probably didn't give her much protection. They were everywhere.

And then, they attacked us. They didn't shoot but they managed to separate us.

Honestly, in that moment I didn't care about anybody but Pandora. She was my first, no she was my only priority. I had to bring her some place save.

"What are you doing? My parents! We... we have to get them" she stuttered worried.

Swing her like that was driving me crazy. Her hair was messy and her ripped dress was covered with dirt and her eyes showed nothing but fear. She was so weak and fragile.

I didn't know what to do. I had promised myself to always respect her wishes and her will but I just couldn't bring her in danger.

When I finally had made a decision four men appeared and surrounded us. One of them gestured us with his gun to go back. I sighed and pulled her closer to me.

We walked back to the path. Mr. Momsen and Mrs.Momsen kneeled in front of Kiran and there were guns pointed to each of their heads. About twelve guards lied dead on the ground but there was no trace of Blue.

The gate stood wide open so I guessed that he just fled and left us here alone. I wouldn't be surprised if he did so. Blue always himself first.

"You always try to run away. And always I catch you" Kiran waged with a gun.

The guard behind me pushed a gun in my back making me walk further. A weird feeling of numbness spread inside of me as I heard Dora sobbing. I tried to push her behind me but one of the guards grabbed her arm and pulled her away from me.

"Nah, nah, nah! I want to see my niece. And since you didn't want to leave Kaden with me I am just going to show you what I was planning to do with her as soon as you leave" he explained in a crazy tone.

Kiran is crazy. This man has completely lost his mind.

He pointed his gun at Mrs.Momsens head and gave us a wide smile. Pandora screamed in panic and tried to run to her mother. I prevented her by slipping my arms around her and hugging her tightly.

She screamed, cried, hit and kicked me but I didn't let go of her. I knew he would pull the trigger. This wasn't a bluff, he was out of his mind and he would kill his sister in front of the eyes of her daughter.

"No! No, please! I am begging you not to! Please, Kiran don't!" She sobbed like crazy and I felt her punches and kicks getting weaker.

And that's when he pulled the trigger and shot his sister.

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