Chapter 14

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I woke up because of my belly rumbling. After all that happened I forgot to eat and just fell asleep.

"Where are we?" I rubbed my eyes and looked outside.

I was alone in the car. Suddenly panic spread inside of me.

Where is he?

The door opened and I flinched. Hudson sat inside.

He wore black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Rise and shine" he said as he placed a plastic bag between us and took out a box with two sandwiches which he handed me.

"You have been drooling and talking about food in your sleep. And don't worry, I made sure it's not poisoned" he smiled widely at me.

I immediately shoved it in my mouth.

"Where are we and why are you so cheerful?" I asked with a full mouth.

He handed me a bottle of water and a box with watermelon in it.

"We are currently in Cleveland" he replied happily.

I took the bag and viewed the things he brought.

"You know that you should cook broccoli before you eat it and unless you have a stove in your car I don't think we can eat that" I commented amused.

He shook his head, started the car and turned the radio on to hum along the music.

"We will cook it at my place. The NSJP doesn't know about it" Hudson stated while shaking his head to the beat.

About an hour later we arrived at a small blue house in the middle of nowhere. He opened the door for me and helped me out.

He rang the doorbell and a petite blonde woman with blue eyes opened the door. She had a big smile upon her face and hugged him.

My first thought was that this could be his mother. Both are blond, blue eyes and his mood had just been unbelievably good since I woke up.

"Hudson! Great to see you again, Sir! Come on in" she greeted him and stepped aside.

Turns out she is not his mother. Hudson introduced her as Glenda, his housekeeper. Apparently she and her husband take care of the house while Hudson is gone.

They have a small room next to the kitchen and two guest rooms on the first floor.

She lead me to a room with a small wooden bed and a matching closet plus a shelve.

I thanked her and put my bag next to my new bed.

"Oh, Sir! One more thing. Miss Carington send an invitation to a mask ball two weeks ago. It's tomorrow night. Perhaps you and your girlfriend want to go there" she added kindly.

My cheeks started burning and I immediately lifted my arms defensively "I- I am not his... his girlfriend."

Hudson just leaned against the wall and smirked. With his hands in his pocket and his wife shoulders loosened he looked more carefree than ever.

She apologized and hurried down again.

"You wanna go there?" He came in and leaned against the doorframe.

I never went to a mask ball before. Actually I didn't even go to my prom. I had a cold an threw up the entire night.

I shrugged and sat on the bed "Ah, sure but I don't have anything to wear."

Hudson walked in and took the small glass statue off the shelve and turned it in his hands. It was a transparent knight on a horse.

"We can go shopping tomorrow. Have you ever been in Cleveland?" He sounded truly interested.

It's really weird to see him so serene and his good mood is actually pretty contagious.

I couldn't help but smile. "Okay, no offense but why on earth are you so happy?"

"I know I should be worried because I'm a runaway but I'm no longer cuffed to them. I'm free" he responded giving me a staggering smile.

I loved this side of him. He was so open and kind.

"But why didn't you leave?" I asked and leaned forward.

He pushed himself off the frame and sat next to me on the bed.

The gaze he viewed me with gave me shivers. It was intense and completely consuming me.

"I had no reason to" he just shrugged.

Confused I titled my head and looked at him.

A strand of hair fell in my face which he pinned behind my ear. When he did that his hand rested on my cheek for a second.

"What has changed?" My voice was weak and I cursed myself for it.

Hudson took his hand back and smiled.

"You" he simply said.

"You are just less boring than my other jobs and way prettier" he winked at me, got up and left me in my room.

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