Chapter 11

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For almost four hours Hudson and I managed to ignore each other perfectly.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked while turning the starring wheel.

I looked at him and shook my head "No."

He sighed and glimpsed over for a second.

"Doesn't sound that convincing" he mumbled disappointed.

I went my hand through my hair and quickly braided it so it wouldn't get in my face anymore.

"I will forgive you..." he raised his eyebrows after I said that.

"...under the condition that you have to answer three of my personal questions to you. Truthfully" I finished.

He thought about it for a second and I could see the the emotions in his face.

"Okay, What do you want to know?" he answered reluctantly.

I have three questions and I have to choose wisely. There most likely won't be any chance like that again.

"Who do you work for?" I paid attention to every single move he made.

Of course I knew he was probably trained to lie like his life was depending on it but still.

He breathed out noisily "They're called the NSJP and no, I can not tell you what the short version means."

Honestly, that's too little information.

I leaned forward to get a better view of his face.

"And what do they do? I mean what is the NSJP?" I asked curiously.

Hudson went through his hair. He was clearly uncomfortable talking about his job.

"NSJP is an organization only a few people know about. They have 57 agents. We are trained for four years and our purpose is it to protect very important people. You're lucky your mother knows the boss."

He checked his phone and turned it off.

"Next question" he tapped his fingers on the wheel while shaking his head lightly back and forth to an inaudible beat.

What do I want to know?

"Venus? Did you two ever- ah...?" I didn't know how to phrase that question.

"Did we ever what?"

He glimpsed over and I realized that he really didn't know what I was talking about.

Now I was the one uncomfortable. I played with the silver ring on my finger.

My babysitter Gloria gave it to me when I was ten. Back then I wore it on a necklace because my fingers were to small. The old lady wanted her daughter to have the ring but because she couldn't have any children she gave it to me instead.

"You know. Made out have a relationship or something like that?" I got quieter at the end of my question.

"We made out but only because we were on mission. The NSJP doesn't tolerate a private life. No relationships, no friends, no family" he replied.

That sounds horrible!

I can't imagine never seeing my friends ever again or not talk to my parents anymore.

"But what about your family? Your parents? Don't you miss them?" I asked but understanding.

Why would you voluntarily leave everyone and everything behind? Your entire life!

He didn't answer.

"Hudson?" Did I say something wrong?

Lightly smiling he glimpsed over to me.

"That's it. You already asked your three questions: What is the NSJP? What does the NSJP do? And did ever something happen between Venus and me?" He smiled because he exactly knew that I was unsatisfied.

That's how I used my questions? But I had so much more.

Why did he decide to join the NSJP? What about his family? How does he handle not having a private life? And what is his real name?

Oh, I should have asked for his real name!

I already assumed that Hudson van Dijk was a made up name. And now Venus and Blue?

Moreover it would of course make sense that they have assumed names.

The NSJP is a highly undisclosed organization. So why wouldn't they choose other names?

"That was not what I wanted to know! I have more questions" I pouted.

Hudson just shook his head while the smile upon his face just became bigger and bigger.

He really must be enjoying this. Me begging for more and him having the power to deny or give me what I want.

Disappointed I opened my bag and took out one of the skittle bags.

I always tend to eat when I'm mad. Or sad or happy or- I'm just eating a lot. And college is not helping.

"The next stop is in Sidney, Nebraska. That's in about one and a half hours" he commented still smiling.

Just as I was about to grab some skittles he reached for them, too and our hands touched.

For some reason a tickle started from where we touched and it spread all over my body. My cheeks started burning and I knew I was blushing.

Embarrassed I quickly turned away but I saw him in the reflection of the window grinning at me.

I'm glad you think that's funny, asshole!

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