Chapter 5

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"Have you lost your mind!?" I yelled panically whilst putting my seatbelt on.

The speed he was driving scared me but I didn't want to show weakness so I tried to ignore it.

"I told you to get in the car" Hudson shrugged.

He is unbelievable!

"Is this how you people handle things?" I glared at him while shoving my bag under my seat.

"You people? You have to explain that to me" he glimpsed at me before turning to the street again.

I looked outside as we passed the Chunningham Lake I used to go to every summer.

"Spies, agents, assassins? I don't know! But I saw the gun you carry with you" I sighed and pointed at his lap.

An attractive and at the same time intimidating grin appeared on his face.

He stopped at a traffic light and turned to me.

"That's no gun, sweetheart."

Of course that's a gun. It's huge and -oh my god!

My eyes widen in embarrassment and my cheeks started burning. I quickly turned my head so he couldn't see my face.

I can't think of anything worse that's ever happened to me.

He chuckled before he hit the gas and I was pushed back in my seat.

Three hours went by in complete silence. Mostly because I was sure that if I said anything my voice would crack but I actually had so many questions. And Hudson- well, lets just say he's not really talkative.

I was about to fall asleep when the car stopped with a jerk.

"Where are we?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

Hudson wore a white t-shirt that revealed his arm muscles and a pair of grey sweatpants.

"And when did you change?" I added while suppressing a yawn.

He got out, opened my door, helped me out and took my bag.

"Nevada City. And I changed when you fell asleep and I had to refuel" he replied.

I followed him to a small motel called "Finnish Roulette". The neon sign was missing one N so there only stood "Finish Roulette" but it still managed to blind me.

An old woman sat behind the reception with her feet put up on the desk. Fist I thought she was sleeping but then I noticed that she was writing something on her jeans.

"Good Morning" she greeted with an annoyed tone.

"One bed or two?"

Hudson handed her a small roll of money "One."

What? I want my own bed, please!

I glared at him but he just ignored me.

He thoughtlessly put his hand around my shoulder. She handed him the key and sat back at her chair to continue drawing flowers on her pants.

Our room was small and the walls had the color of vomit. Light came through the windows behind some yellow curtains. Across the bed stood a small shelve with a tv on it.

"Great" I commented sarcastically.

"I hope this place isn't haunted."

He chuckled and sat on a wooden chair that blocked the way to the bathroom.

"Why are we here?" I asked as I sat on the bed.

"You are tired and I don't want you to drool in my car" he simply replied.

I am not drooling!

This situation somehow reminded me of when I was a little kid and fought with my parents about staying awake after nine. I hated going to bed.

"I'm not tired anymore" I angled my body towards him and stared at him.

Call me weird but I liked inspecting him. His face, his body, everything was prepossessing.

He smiled and moved closer to me.

There is something about him that makes you feel like he knows something you don't and it's driving me crazy.

"Yes you are. You have dark circles under your eyes and yawn every few seconds. I hope you believe me that we're not leaving until you get some rest" he smirked and leaned back in his chair.

Great so now he wants to watch me sleep? Not creepy at all!

"What about you? Aren't you tired?"

Hudson shook his head.

"Who do you work for?" I wasn't planning on going to sleep so I could at least use my time wisely and find out more about my "bodyguard".

His ocean blue eyes explored my face and I felt so uncomfortable.

Do people also feel like that when I stare at them?

"Don't even try it" he stated with a rough voice.

"Try What?" I tilted my head and smiled innocently.

"Change the subject. You know I meant what I said. I always do. Now get to sleep" he stood up and opened the bathroom door.

"I'll wait till you get changed."

He was just about to close the door when I called him back.

"Hudson, Wait!"

He opened the door and gazed curiously at me.

"I'll do whatever you want. Just promise me one thing: You'll never lie to me. And I promise I won't lie to you either and do what you ask me to. I'm- I'm just so sick of all those lies."

After I said that I realized how heavy my eyes currently were and my body felt weak and braced.

"I promise" with those words he closed the door.

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