Chapter 15

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We had been walking around for hours and the only thing we bought were two pairs of shoes.

Yesterday, after Hudson went to bed I called my parents. Of course they already knew what was happening. I assured them that I was fine and Hudson is taking care of me but they didn't want to hear that. My mother cursed him several times and threatened to kill him. Eventually she just hung up on me.

"Will you tell me why exactly we're going there?" I asked as I tried to ignore the people around us.

Almost every girl was staring towards us and gossiping. I hated it and I felt so uncomfortable.

Hudson put his arm around my waist to push me aside so I didn't run into an old man.

"My friend, Fiona is throwing a party. And when Fiona invites you to one of her parties you don't reject her. Besides she knows some really powerful people that might help us" he replied.

I nodded absent-minded and headed to a small store with beautiful dresses exhibited. A red formal dress with a cut in the front immediately caught my eye.

Hudson had been pouting the entire day about how he will spend every money he needs just so I finally decide which dress I want to wear.

"I want that" My eyes stuck to the dress as I felt him next to me. His arm was touching mine and sending little shivers all over my body.

I had absolutely no idea why he had such an effect on me but I knew that I couldn't stand it.

"Are you sure? Looks a little slutty to me" he commented.

Slutty? The dress would be covering almost my entire body. Only the straps were sewed sideways so the shoulders and chest were lightly put more in scene.

I caught his look and raised my eyebrow "Slutty? It's perfect!"

He held his hands up defensively and acted like he was scared of me.

"Okay, Boss! What ever you want" Chuckling he walked inside the store.

A tall young man with red leather pants and a black oversized sweater greater us and asked Hudson to come and help him get the dress in my size.

I sat on a golden stool that matched everything else in this store.

Besides the colorful dresses everything else in here was held in white and gold. It was an elegant and experience store. The brand was unknown to me but the fact that there were only four other people here -and one of them a cashier- was clearly enough to me.

A girl about my age walked out of the changing cubicle. Her red hair was tied into a long ponytail and she wore a short golden dress. She glared at her friend who was sitting across her and scrolling through her phone instead of focusing on her.

"Ah, hello? Would you please tell me how I look?" She demanded pissed.

Definitely a store for rich people. I knew the tone of her voice too well. Back in highs school there was a clique of wealthy kids. They would think they're better than anyone else and bully them because of that. I hate people like that!

Her friend viewed the dress. "I don't know. What do you think?"

The girl in the dress turned and looked at her self in the mirror.

"I think gold ma-"

"Not you! You!" Her friend cut her off and stared at me.

Was she actually asking me? They didn't seem like people who would care about my opinion.

Both of them were waiting for an answer. But I didn't know what to say. The truth or what she wants to hear?

The dress was in deed beautiful but gold made her skin look pale.

"I think there are dresses which would suit you better" I replied insecure.

Where is Hudson with that damn dress? I want to leave. Now.

The other girl smiled at her and waved her back in the cubicle "You heard it!"

She walked over and sat next to me.

"You're honest. I like that. Oh, I'm Ray" she shook my hand.

"Sienna" I smiled lightly.

Earlier today Hudson and I talked about some safety precautions. Don't tell strangers your name, don't get separated, don't take food from strangers and a lot of other things that my mother already taught me in first grade.

Hudson's voice chimed in the back of the store and as I turned my head I saw him struggling with a grand blue box.

I gave Ray an apologizing look and headed towards Hudson. He was just about to pay when I saw the price.


My eyes widen "Oh, no! That's too expensive. You can't buy me that!"

He was just about to contradict when a female voice cut him off.

"Oh, come on, Hudson! But her the dress."

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