Chapter 53

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"Still don't like that dress" Hudson murmured as he put his hand on my back and lead me to the entrance of Fiona's mansion.

So far the only things I knew about Fiona was that she had a lot of money and that she was still engaged to Blue.

I shrugged and smiled "I think it looks good on me."

"Unfortunately" he hissed before he gave the bouncer our names.

We walked into a room with high blue walls. It looked like an Atlantis-theme-party. Big fountains and dancers paid to wear mermaid costumes. It was only half past eight but a ton of people was already drunk or high. That was probably nothing unusual at Fiona's parties.

"Oh my gosh! Sienna, or no it's Pandora?" The woman hugged me so fast I didn't get the chance to see who just held me in their arms.

She let go of me and smiled. It was Fiona of course. She had grown her hair to her elbows and gotten a tattoo of a white rose with Jordan written under it on her collarbone. Her silver dress reflected the blue lights in the room making her look like a disco ball.

"It's Pandora and I am happy to see you again, too" I smiled at her.

Her boyfriend appeared behind her and back hugged her. They wore matching outfits and looked really cute together. Fiona and Jordan were truly couple goals if you don't include the fact that she's engaged to Blue.

"I hope you don't mind if I kidnap her for a second?" He smiled and pulled Fiona with him into the crowd.

Hudson and I walked into another room that turned out to be a ballroom. I was starting to have a Déjà-vu. People dancing the Walzer like in a movie.

"I told you to not tell anyone your name" he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and took a glass of champagne for one of the waiters that were just passing by "That was a year ago and this is your friend, right? She can't harm me."

He stole the glass from me and drank it in one shot "You don't know what people are capable of."

For some reason he looked seemed nervous to me. He didn't show any of the symptoms he had before our flight but I just had a feeling.

"So you think Fiona will kick my ass now that she knows my name?" I teased him.

"Don't be silly" he frowned and drank another glass of champagne in not even a second. After glimpsing at his watch he looked at me"Come dance with me. We haven't been training five hours for no reason!"

He placed both of the glasses on a small table and took my hand to lead me to the dance floor. With one of his hands on my back and the other holding mine he took the lead.

It was so easy to dance with him -just like riding a bike. My eyes didn't leave his for a second. Honestly, these eyes are the most beautiful ones I had ever seen. Blue was usually a cold color but the tone of his eyes was the warmest I had ever seen. Whenever I looked into them I got lost -lost in their beauty and the love in them.

"Hudson, what's wrong?" I asked as I noticed his hands were sweaty.

I wasn't just imagining it, something was wrong with Hudson.

"I, uh..." his eyes went to his watch and back to mine. "It's that... we..."

All of the sudden the music turned off and all the lights went off leaving only one lamp with blue light that was focused on Hudson and me. Everyone turned to us with confusion all over their faces.

I don't know if I should be happy or wore that I am the only one not knowing what's going on...

I turned back to Hudson. He let go of me and took a step back. Worry and tension filled his eyes. The way he looked at me reminded me of my mother right before Kiran shot her.

"Hudson, what's going on?" I asked worried. I barely kept myself from asking out loud who died.

He gulped and closed his eyes taking a deep breath in "This is not easy and I... uhm I think-" the stuttered scratching the back of his head.

"What. Is. Going. On?"

"Pandora, we have known each other for a year now. That's not much but it's enough for me to know that I love you. To be honest we spent most of this one year apart but that doesn't matter." He explained and took my hands in his.

"When you weren't with me the only thing I thought of was you. Every action I did, I did for you. Dora, you are the my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I fall asleep. Seeing you wake up beside me is the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't want that to ever change."

His words made tears run down my cheeks. Nobody ever said anything like that to me.

Hudson got on one knee and reached for a small black box in his jacket. I gasped in shock.

"I have never done this before so I am not experienced at proposing at all but I am doing it anyway." He opened the box revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Pandora Sienna Momsen, will you marry me?"

I got on my knees and smiled through my tears. "Yes, of course I will marry you" I laughed and cried at the same time.

Hudson took the ring and put it on my finger. He cupped my face and gave me a long kiss that showed nothing but love.

This was the most beautiful day in my life.

The End

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