Chapter 35

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The barista gave me my coffee and I walked back to the table where Hudson waited for me.

"What the hell is that?" He asked angrily as he took my coffee away.

He turned it to me and raised his eyebrow at me. On the cup was a phone number written in a messy hand writing. I shrugged and took it back.

That has been my third coffee this morning but I was just so tired. When Blue left last night I couldn't fall back asleep again. I kept thinking about what he said. Becoming strong... no more weaknesses...

"How's my dad?" I asked probably for the fifth time today. He locked himself in his room and refused to talk to me. I don't know the reasons but I guess I will have to respect his privacy.

"Bad but he will be better" he replied honestly.

After I finished my coffee we went to the mall because I only had my ripped dress. Hudson had bought me some clothes from the tourist shop across the street but these clothes felt so uncomfortable. It was a blue shirt with "Austin Texas" written on The front and a pair of grey sweatpants with the exact same font on my ass.

He bought me a few of things but when I said I had enough he literally begged me to buy more. We went to H&M and I picked a blue and a black sweater when a guy approached me.

"Nice ass, babe" he winked at me and I instantly blushed.

These stupid pants!

"Hey!" Hudson held his fist to the guys' face and glared at him hard. They boy just walked walked backwards and smiled weakly at me as he left.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

"I am your bodyguard. I have to protect you" Hudson payed for my clothes and took the bag.

But maybe I don't want to need protection. Maybe I want to be able to protect my?

I shook my head to get the thought out of my head. Leaving Hudson and my dad after my mother's death would be reckless and stupid.

Hudson insisted on going to lunch together. I knew that he was trying to keep me busy so I wouldn't think about my mother and that was really cute but unfortunately it didn't work. My mom is the only thing I had been thinking about since Kiran put the gun to her head. Not a single second went by when I didn't feel these stitches in my heart.

He ordered us ramen and ignored the waitress who was almost drooling on him. He gave me these worried puppy eyes that were just driving me crazy.

"Dora? What's wrong?" He asked. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Stupid question. Sorry" he said.

I sighed and forced myself to smile at him. Just because I was feeling bad it didn't mean I had to make people around me worried.

The waitress came back and gave us our food. We ate in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable at all. I wasn't hungry but I knew that I had to eat something. The last time I ate was with Kiran and I think that's one or two days ago.

"There has to be something I can do to cheer you up" he said after we sat in his car.

There were more than just one thing but I knew he wouldn't want to do either of those things.

"Tell me something personal. I barely know you" I replied after a while.

He stopped when the traffic light turned red and gazed at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly there was this weird tension again that made both of us lean closer to each other.

The car behind us honked making me jump. Hudson turned his head to the street again and hit the gas.

"Van Dijk is a common Dutch surname. My step grandma Helena was from Holland. I really loved her and before she died she told me her wish. She wanted me to help people whenever I could. That's why I went to the NSJP. I chose Hudson because she always used to call me her little Rivier. That's Dutch for river and Hudson was pretty spontaneous" he explained.

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