Chapter 25

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Frank, one of Kirans employees brought me to his giant library.

I wasn't allowed to go and talk to him so I had to spent my time trying to find a good book to get my thoughts off of the fact that my mother allegedly is a killer.

"Since when do you work for Kiran" I turned to Frank who was carrying a pile of books which sounded interesting to me.

"Two years" he replied as he placed the books on a big wooden table.

Frank was probably in his forties. He had grey hair and a distinctive chin. His black suit was a little too tight around his shoulders and he wore a headpiece in his right ear.

"What does he do for living?" I continued asking after I read the description of a book. Having a conversation was easier than reading and not thinking about what Kiran said earlier.

How many murderers did I ever meet? My mom killed someone, Hudson did too. What about Tobias, Kiran, Frank? What if I even had some friends who were actually killers or spies?

"Ask him yourself" Frank gave me an annoyed look.

How do you kill someone by accident?

Maybe my mother pushed her and she fell? Or it was an either-or-decision. She had to choose someone before Pandora. But would that be an accident?

"Did I do something to piss you off?" I put the next book away.

He sighed and sat on the chair which was the farthest away from me: "Just read until they arrive."

What is he talking about? Is he assuming I know what he means?

"Until who arrives? Who is coming?" I curiously stared at him.

He probably felt uncomfortable but I didn't care.

"Nobody important. Just stop asking so many questions!" It took him a lot of self control to not yell at me.

His hands were turned into fists and the vein on his neck was clearly visible.

Suddenly he pressed his hand against his headpiece and mumbled something like "Code usk".

"What did you just do? Did you call Kiran?" I asked panically.

Something was wrong.

But on the other hand, there is ALWAYS something wrong in my life since the past two days.

I've been kidnapped, people tried to kill me (several times), I have actually no idea who the hell my mother actually is and I found an uncle I didn't know existed.

What will happen next? I turn out to be an alien? Hudson is actually a woman?


Since our talk at the table earlier I didn't think about Hudson. My thoughts were all about my mother. But now I wonder what he might be doing.

Did he notice I'm gone? Does he even care? Is he searching for me?

I remembered last night. His kisses on my neck and the way he looked at me when he pushed me away. His eyes were full of hurt and anger.

The doors to the library bursted open revealing my uncle. I flinched as I saw his face. He was furious.

"What happened?" He completely ignored me whilst he talked to Frank.

"She tried to steal my phone and call someone" Frank lied as if he did it every day. If I wasn't there to know that he wasn't telling the truth I'd probably believe him.

But he is lying!

"What? No! That's not true! He's lying" I gave Kiran a begging look but he just waved it off.

He believed Frank. Of course he did! Frank has been working for him for two years now and how long does he know me? An hour?

"Why would you do that? I trusted you. You are my blood and I really wanted to trust you. But turns out you're more like your mother than I thought" his entire body was tensed.

Even though I didn't know anything about this man I didn't want him to think of me like that. I was telling the truth but it didn't matter. Nothing I would say could make him believe me.

"I swear I didn't do anything" my voice was cracking again and I felt my hands sweating.

"Take her to the basement. Get her a book and a bottle of water" Kiran ordered angrily.

He turned away and marched towards the door.

"Oh, and Frank, don't hurt her" were his last words before he closed the door behind himself.

My eyes filled with tears again.

I should really start working on my crying issues or my life in general.

"Why did you do that?" I slowly turned to Frank again to see him smiling satisfied.

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