Chapter 16

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        Let’s just say that the next two to three hours were just non-stop work. All three of us had laptops, along with one giant Mac in front of us for making the Jacksgap site. I was holding in my excitement; I couldn’t wait to see how this turns out.

    After working for these three hours straight, we were down to a small handful of chips, half a bottle of beer, and 2 cokes. Most of the Maoams remained though, since there were so many, and Jack suggested to ‘save’ them for later. Yet, I felt like I was getting a bit hungry, and I looked at the time on my laptop.

        8:45….I usually eat dinner a bit earlier...we’ve been working for ages.I think that Jack and Finn were thinking the same, because they seemed to be a bit worn out, and Finn stretched back, groaning a bit.

        We all looked at each other, and then Jack said, “How about we go….and quickly have something to eat?”

        I nodded. “I’m starved, I could definitely use a dinner break.”

        “And a stretching break…” Finn said, standing up and giving his fingers and back a good stretch from typing and designing. That’s a good idea...I stood up and stretched a bit too, and Jack did the same. Then, he walked over to his kitchen cabinet to see if there was anything easy to eat. He grunted in frustration, closing his cabinet and scratching his head.

        “I haven’t gotten anything worthy to eat….how about you, Finny?”


        “Erm….I think I got some of those crappy Super Noodles if you guys don’t mind…” Jack did a thumbs up.


        “Why not? Bring ‘em over, we’ll warm them up and have a little noodle dinner.” Then Finn left to go get the noodles in his dorm room, leaving me and Jack alone. I sat on his bed.


         “Sooo….what are super noodles, anyways? Are they just like...regular noodles?” Jack nodded.

        “You’ll see, it’s pretty much the usual, normal noodles. A bit boring, but it’s alright for a quick supper.”

    I nodded and twiddled my thumbs. This is what I do when it’s awkward and I don’t know what to talk about, and I wish that I could just stare at Jack’s face without it being awkward. I pulled out my phone and went through my old photos again. Jack scooted closer.

        “Whatcha looking at?” He looked at me innocently, and it literally was the cutest thing ever. I smiled.


         “Just my old photos….” I stumbled across one of Julia and me in our Senior year in high school, with spirit paint on. Jack smiled.


         “Aw, you’re so cute in this one!” I blushed.

        “Thanks, it’s senior year at some activity, I forgot.”

        “Who’s that?” He pointed at Julia.

        “Oh, that’s my best friend Julia, she’s awesome. I’m still in touch with her, but….” I grimaced, “I kinda wanna go back. I wanna be with my family and friends again, or at least visit. You know? Even though the year just started….”

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