Chapter 21

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        After me and Jack finished eating our lunch, we walked out; Jack with a devilish grin and mines with a guilty, pathetic look.

"Jack," I tapped his shoulder.

"Hm?" Jack was staring out into the open while we were walking back to the campus.

"I'm wondering if...if we should really do this."

"You're doubting now? Why?"

I shifted my feet uncomfortably. "I don't know, its seems a bit wrong. Like won't it hurt Finn's feelings?"

"Wasn't that the point of this?"

"Well..." I admitted, "...I guess it was. I just feel a bit guilty. Do you think he'll take it ok later?"

Jack pursed his lips with a serious expression. "I guess that's for us to find out."


Once we reached the UNI campus, I looked over to see Finn reading a novel, sitting on a bench with his lunch. Everyone else was walking around, talking and laughing amongst their friends.

I felt a wave of guilt seeing Finn alone eating by himself, and I immediately started walking towards him when Jack grabbed my arm.

"You have to stay strong, remember what he did?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but then nodded.

"Alright. Now I will be right back, I'm gonna run over to the local store and see if I can find a decent box of chocolates and flowers for a lovely lady, eh?"

I chuckled, blushing and then Jack winked, walking away to buy the supplies for the revenge trick.

I felt awkward just standing there, so I went to walk over to Finn and sat by him.

"Hey, Finn. Why didn't you come along to Nando's with us?"

Finn was still reading intensely (or maybe he was just ignoring me because of my insolence) and then after a good minute or two, he looked up at me.

"Oh, hey, Andrea. How was your lunch with Jack?"

He spoke a bit louder when saying 'Jack'.

"Oh, it was alright, I'm definitely full."

There was an awkward silence and then I said something that I probably should've kept in my mouth.

"Would've been more fun if you came along though, but you decided not to, so...."

"Did I, Andrea? Did I really just 'not want to come for lunch'? Or was it because you guys were making it so obvious that something was up between you two?"

I gaped. "W-what are you talking about? There's nothing going on between me and Jack, he's just being friendly! Nothing wrong with that, I believe."

There was an invisible wall between me and Finn right now, and Finn was clearly tearing it down. I thought back to what me and Jack did for the plan, and I had to admit, it was a bit more than just a friend's matter. I think the blush on my face was becoming more evident now.

Finn chuckled.

"Haha, alright, Anna. Say what you want. But I still have my suspicions, that's for sure." He gave me a fake serious look and then started laughing.

I chuckled half heartedly and then immediately felt like crying. This dude has forgiven me for all the stupid stuff I did this morning, like ignoring him, being overly nice to Jack....and what have I done?

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