Chapter 23

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A/N: This chapter is a bit of a filler, the next chapter (which I have already started) is crucial and will be posted in approximately 2 weeks or less, if I get time before. Thanks for reading! x


I was enjoying my weekend so far, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I smiled, thinking that it might be Eliza. But my smile disappeared and my stomach lurched when I saw the text.

It wasn't Eliza. It was Finn.

I feel sick. 

'Hey, are you available? I need to talk to you.'


 I stared at the text for a while and my eyes bulged out, a bit worried. Why the frick does he want to talk to me now? And to think I was just beginning to relax...

I shuffled around in my bed, debating on whether I should get up or not. Don't laze around, Andrea. Get up and go to talk to him.

"Don't be silly," I said aloud, "Why should I go now? I was just getting settled into my bed and Mean Girls. Just deal with this tomorrow, Andrea."

I slumped back into my bed and poked around my cup of noodles, trying to get the last strands into my spoon (I don't do chopsticks, I just never have been able to). While I heard Lindsey Lohan's voice ringing in the back of my head from the laptop, I could still see my phone with Finn's text on it. Arghh...

It was as if it was slowly pulling me towards it, like a trap. I could feel it's eerie glow haunt me a bit as i grabbed my phone. I shook my head. I must be losing it, I sound like my phone is possessed or something.

I glanced at the text one more time and then turned it off. I tried to relax a bit and take a deep breath, reassuring myself that everything's fine for tonight. Now, back to Mean Girls.

But after a few minutes, I heard a gentle knocking on my door. I frowned. It's Friday 8:30, leave me alone. I want time to myself, hello??

I sighed and threw the sheets off me, paused Mean Girls, and put my cup of noodles on my side desk to walk over to the door. I ruffled my hair a bit, trying to fix it even though at this point it seemed impossible, and opened the door.

My eyes widened. Finn was standing in front of my door awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably. He looked up at me, green eyes now dim. He was wearing a black jumper and blue jeans with black converse. His hands were in his pockets.

We stood there awkwardly for a while when I realized that he was still in the walkway.

"Oh! Where are my manners...come on in."

"Thanks." Finn stepped in quietly and I fixed my bed, closing my laptop and putting my noodle bowl away. His eyes followed me as I finished attempting to fix my room hastily.

"Don't worry," he chuckled, "it's only me."

I stopped cleaning and nodded. "Right...would you like some coffee?"


I quickly left my room and went down to the canteen (I don't have a coffee maker yet) and grabbed two freshly brewed cups of coffee. I went back up to my room and saw Finn looking out my window with a serious expression. I gulped silently and poured the coffee into two red mugs. I ushered him over to the bed and we took a seat.

Finn cleared his throat and we sat quietly, looking down at the ground. We slowly sipped our coffee. After a good 5 minutes, he looked up at me.

"Tell me everything."

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