• suicide.

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"You never told me how you got homeless," He took a quick glance at me then looked forward. We were sitting on the porch, just talking. It was after school.

"Well, my mom kicked me out because I was pregnant. Then, I started living with my boyfriend-who kicked me out because I was "cheating"." I explained.

"Were you?" He inquired. I shook my head. "Is he the father of Taylor?"

I shook my head, once again. "I was pregnant before we got together."

He nodded, in understanding. "Have your mom ever met Taylor?"

"No." I answered, sadly. "My mom don't love her. If she did, she wouldn't have kicked me out." I felt a tear stream down my face. "I just wanna apologize for what I've done wrong."

He sighed. "You going through a lot."

I shrugged and wiped the tear. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "It's whatever."

"I really am sorry." He stated. "For the way I treated you."

I chuckled softly. "It's fine, Chresanto."

He nodded as I stared at my phone. I found myself dialing my mom's phone number. I put it on speaker as it ring. She picked up and didn't say anything.

"Hello?" I said.

She cleared her throat. "Who's this?"


"Is that your mom?" Chresanto asked and I nodded.

"Yo' hoe ass calling me again!" She yelled. "I don't want you calling me! I don't need nor do I want you in my life! You fucking ruined my life when I gave birth to you! I made a mistake giving birth to you! I should've killed you-"

I quickly hung up and stared at my phone. I felt tears pouring down my face. I quickly got up and started walking. Chresanto went after me. "Where you going?"

"I'm just going for a walk."

I should've known not to call her. I knew I was gonna get hurt.

I started walking faster until I've reached a park. I sat on a bench-staring into space. More tears started pouring down my face as I started thinking about the way she've treated me.

"Why everytime I see you, you cryin'?" A male voice asked, making me look up. It was Ray.

I shrugged. "Because you always come when I'm crying."

He chuckled and sat next to me. "What's wrong?"

"It's kind of personal," I said, lowly. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I wiped my tears when my phone ringed-it was Mr. August. He told me to go to Wal-Mart and pick up some milk.

I had no choice but to walk there. I didn't wanna ask Ray for a ride. I bought the milk and was about to walk out when I bumped into someone. I look up, gasping.


"Zonnique?" He questioned, with his eyebrows raised.

I quickly look down. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

He laughed. "How are things going? Y'know, when I kicked you out, you were homeless. Now, you carrying a gallon of milk? Did you steal money?"

"No." I retorted. "I live with someone and I work now."

While I was talking to him, I felt my heart raced and my stomach had butterflies. Our memories together came flooding back. My feelings for him are still there.

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