• back together.

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     "You don't have to come back if you don't want to." Mr. August told me when I stayed silenced. I was in shock and I didn't even know what to say. "It's your decision."

      Maybe if I come back, I would make money and move out of my mom's house and go some place far. Maybe. I could also buy Taylor whatever she wants. When I noticed I've been quiet for too long, I spoke.

"When do I start?"

He gave me a smile of satisfaction. "Whenever you want, Ms. Pullins."

I nodded. "Tomorrow after school?"

        He shrugged, as he continue to tap his pen against the table. Which was, honestly irking me. "If that's what you want, then that's fine."

I nodded. "But, I can't sleep here. I live with my, uh, mom and brother."

"Yeah, that's fine also." He nodded.

I stood up and did a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. August."

"No, thank you." He stood up also. "I'm really sorry, Zonnique."

I nodded. "It's okay, really."

        I walk out of the front door. Chresanto harshly threw the basketball against the garage door making a loud noise. I shrieked and jumped in the process. The ball bounced towards me and I started dribbling it.

"Well, someone's upset." I pointed out.

     He rolled his eyes and sat on the floor. Can I just point out how sexy he is when he's mad? Yes, Lawd!

"No shit." He said, sarcastically, anger still in his voice.

I chuckled. "So, what got you so distraught?"

     I shoot the basketball and missed terribly. I pouted, causing him to laugh. "Well, someone can't play basketball."

"Shut up." I snapped, trying not laugh. "Answer my question instead."

"I broke up with Bahja."

I roller my eyes. "And?"

"And she basically told me she don't ever wanna see me or talk to me again." He sighed.

"What did you expect her to say.." I mumbled, dribling the ball still.

      "That's not why I'm mad though." He said, standing up from the ground. I faced him, giving him my full attention. "I'm mad because after I broke up with her and she drove off, I realized I still have feelings for her and I made the wrong decision."

"What about the other girl you have feelings for?"

"Eh, I was wrong about her." He shrugged, nonchalantly. "She was just a distraction."

"Oh." That's all I could say. I shoot the ball and once again missed. I groaned in frustration.

"Wow.." Chresanto chortled. "You really need help in basketball."

       I flicked him off which caused him to laugh more. He took the ball from me and stepped back. He shoot it and of course his ass made it. I crossed my arms. "Show off."

He laughed and continue shooting and never missed. "Whatever."

I look around and frowned. "You said Bahja drove off?"

He put the ball down and turned to me. "Yeah."

   "Oh, well I should go start heading home." Just as I was about to walk away, he grabbed my arm.

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