• family dinner.

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        I distanced myself from everything. Especially Chresanto and Bahja. I don't wanna be the reason why they break up. I stopped talking to Chresanto about my feelings now—so we don't end up kissing like the last time when I almost killed myself.

     I found myself getting closer to Ray. We've been talking about everything—like Chresanto and I used to. I guess I just need somebody to pour out my feelings to. Speaking of Ray, he decided to give me a call.

"Talk to me." I answered the phone.

"What a way to answer your phone," He laughed. "No goodmorning?"

"I'm sorry, Ray." I apologized, sarcasm clear in my voice. "Goodmorning, how'd you sleep last night? Good, I hope."

"Yas, there we go!" He said, making me laugh. "Goodmorning to you too, Zo. I slept well, thanks for asking,"

He sounded British. I giggled—something I seem to be doing a lot when I'm around him. "So, why'd you call me?"

"Come over,"

"Sure, why not." I shrugged, as if he could see me.

He chuckled. "I wasn't asking you, I was telling you. Meaning, you ain't have no choice."

"Whatever, Ray." I chuckled. "I'll see you in 30 mins."

"Make it 20."

I rolled my eye playfully. "Don't push it."

He chortled. "Ight, bye."

I hung up and it vibrated; I just received a message. From Ray? I just talked to him!

Ray "No goodbye, nigga?"

I laughed. Nique' "Bye, Ray!"

      I roll off the bed, making sure not to wake up Taylor. She always wake up late on Saturdays. I did my morning hygiene before going upstairs. I saw Bahja in the kitchen drinking water. She slept over last night. For Chresanto, of course.

"Goodmorning," She greeted and did a smile.

      This is our usual conversation. We just greet each other and move on with our lives. Though, sometimes, I feel like she wanna talk more. But, after we greet each other, I always walk away. This time I really couldn't since she's in the kitchen and I have to clean the kitchen. Chresanto had some friends over last night.

"Goodmorning." I responded.

      I walk towards the sink—seeing it was almost full with dishes that I forgot to wash last night since I fell asleep early. I grab the sponge and started washing them. Bahja came and stood next to me. "Need help?"

I shook my head. "No, that's okay."

"I hate when you wake up before me." I heard Chresanto's morning voice spoke. Don't get me started on how sexy his morning voice is!

I turned around, seeing him and Bahja kissing behind me, causing me to quickly go back to what I was doing. Dishes—focus on the dishes.

"Goodmorning, Zonnique." Chresanto greeted.

I turned around. "Goodmorning."

      I went back to the dishes when he came up next to me. I hope he's not gonna ask the same need help question Bahja asked earlier. That went for Chresanto also—greet each other and I walk away. "We need to talk."

"About?" I interrogated.

"You know." He stated.

"I actually don't." I gave him a puzzled face. "Enlightened me."

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