• bahja .

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   I woke up, Chresanto's leg hovering over mines and his arm wrapped around me. I was so comfortable—I didn't even feel like getting up. But, we had to get this day going.

   I slowly got out of his grip and walk towards the bathroom. While I brush my teeth, Chresanto came behind me and smacked my butt, making me gasp.

I turned to him. "That hurt!"

"When your ass is all out there, don't expect me not to smack it." He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

   I look down and finally remembered what I had on. I was only wearing a tank top and my superman underwear. I slept with no shorts last night.

I giggled. "Whatever."

   There was a knock on the door and Chresanto went to open it. I rinsed my mouth and walk out of the bathroom. Ray and Bahja walked in, arguing. They paused once they looked at me and Chres.

"What were you guys doing?" Bahja raised a brow.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Chresanto's in his boxers and you're not fully clothed," Ray chuckled. "Something must've went down."

    Chres and I laughed loudly. "Nothing went down." Chresanto spoke before he started brushing his teeth. "We just woke up."

   "So, lemme tell you how Ray and I had to sleep in the same bed last night," Bahja started. "He refused to sleep on the floor!"

   "Bahj, don't even start with me," Ray argued. "You know it was the best night of your life and I was not finna sleep on the floor. You crazy?"

Bahja's face turned a light shade of red. "But, I didn't even-"

"Oh, Bahja quit complaining." I butted in. "I'm sure sleeping with Ray is not that bad."

    "It wasn't." Ray chuckled. "I woke up and she was laying on my chest and her feet were around my waist. She hugged me like I was her favorite teddy bear."

I bust out laughing as Bahja blushed. "Aw, that's cute."

She rolled her eyes at me. "I'm just gonna ignore you guys and go call my boyfriend."

"Have fun." Ray told her as she stepped out of the room.

    "I'mma go take a shower," I said, grabbing my towel out of my suitcase. I walked in the bathroom and took off my shirt, leaving me in my sport bra. Chresanto stared at me. I covered myself with my towel. "I need you out,"

     "I was actually planning on taking a shower first." He chuckled, approaching me. "Knowing you, you're about to take half an hour in there."

   "I won't, I promise." I stood on my toes and kissed him. Once I pulled away, he stepped out the bathroom. I went inside the shower and start my 20 minutes shower.


   "So, where exactly are we going, Ray?" I asked, looking down at my phone, texting Jacob. We have been in this car about 10 minutes now, just driving around.

    Ray shrugged. "Y'all wanna go to Disney or Universal right now?" He looked back at me and Bahja, who just shrugged. "I was planning on going downtown and look around a bit."

"I guess we could that." Bahja popped the gum in her mouth for the fifth time. 

"Stop that." I shot her an irritated glare.

She apologized before sighing. "I'm hungry, can you stop somewhere, bab—Chres." She quickly caught herself.

   I raised my eyebrows at her but left it alone. She's still probably not used to her and Chresanto's break up. I heard Ray let out a small laugh.

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